Fangs | Donnie 🦇

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Request from ObsessiveFreak5000

Donnie accidentally turns himself into a vampire, after a failed lab experiment. He trys to turn himself back, but the side affects keep him from working on it, so you decided to help.


-----Donnie's POV-----

I was just working on a formula for immortality. I knew that even I couldn't probably actually creat a working one, but I didn't have anything else to do, so I figured it was worth a try. 

I had been working on it for a couple of weeks, and searched all about life expectancy. Of course it was for humans, and I don't really know when the life expectancy for mutant turtles is, but it was worth a shot. 

I grabbed the formula and hesitantly drank it. Once I did, I didn't feel any different from then I was before. Then I realized that I wouldn't be able to actually test if it worked or not, with out the possibility of perishing. 

How did I not even thing about that! I might have created the most beneficial thing on the planet, but I don't even know if it worked. I decided to go look at myself in the mirror, to see if there were any major side effects to my appearance. I was shocked once I looked at the mirror.

I couldn't see myself. 

What happened?! I started to panic. On the middle of my panic, I ended up biting my lip. It hurt a little more than it usually would. It kinda felt sharp. Since I couldn't see myself in the mirror, I felt my front teeth, and felt that two of them were fairly sharp.

Did I have fangs?! What the heck is going on with me? I can't see myself in the mirror and I had fangs. I decided to call my significant other, Y/n. They came here fairy quickly, considering I was in a slight panic. They opened the door and walked inside. 

"Y/n! Close the door! God, why is it so bright?" I said to them. They quickly shut the door behind them, and walked over to me. They held my face in their hands and examined me. 

"Gees Louise. How long have you been cooped up in here? It's not any brighter than it usually is." They said to me. 

"I think like only a couple of hours actually." I said, but the second I opened my the looked surprised. 

"When did you get fangs?" They said, curiously. "You look like your a vampire." They said, chuckling a little bit. Not to be mean, just because they thought they were kinda cool. 

Then I realized something. I quickly pulled theor hands away and started typing away on my computer. There was almost no way, but it was the only logical reason. They started to look over my shoulder at what I was typing on my screen, and saw it was search symptoms of being a vampire. 

"Do you really think your a vampire, Dee?" They said, a little surprised that I had come to that conclusion. 

"I mean first of all, I have fangs! Secondly I'm sensitive to light, AND! I can't even myself in the mirror." I said. 

"Oh come on. Don't be ridiculous. You can surely see yourself in the-" I cut them off, when I held a mirror up in front of the both of us, and only their reflection showed. "Tha-that's crazy!" They said. 

"I know. This all happened when I drank the formula I made, and I need you to help me create an antidote." I said, they nodded. 

"But why do you need my help. I mean can't you do it yourself?" They said. 

"It's just with my new strengths and weaknesses it'll be a little difficult. I mean on this website it says vampires are sensitive to loud noises and light, so I can't work with certain tools." I said, skimming though the website. 

"Please I really need your help." I said, really hoping they would consider. 

"Of course Dee! I can't promise I'll be much help though. This kind of stuff isn't really my forte." They said. 

"Awe, thank you, darling! I love you so much!" I said, as I kissed their lips. 

"Oww!" They said. I pulled away,to see if they were okay. "I think you nipped me with you fang." They said, feeling their lip to see if it was okay. 

"Oh, sorry love. I'm still getting used to this all. I'll be more careful next time." I said. 

"It's alright Dee. Let's get to work." They said. 

"Alright. How about you start looking at all of the notes I made when making the formula, and I'll keep looking though the website." I said, and they nodded, getting the note pad off of the desk. I start skimming though the website again, when I saw one thing that made me almost tear up. 

"Love, come look at this." I said, and they walked over to me and looked at screen, curiously. "Vampires live a really long time." I said. 

"Isn't that what you were trying to doa anyway?" They said. 

"Well yes, but now that I think about it, I don't want to live forever." I said. 

"Why?" They asked me, and I turned to look at them sadly. 

"It means I'll outlive you, and not just for a little bit, I mean like a millennia! I'm gonna have to live without you." I said. They looked at me sadly. They almost started crying too. 

"Hey, it's okay." They said, trying to calm me down a little bit. "Well come up with a antidote, alright. Everything is fine." They said, with a smile, and then I noticed something. 

"Wait a minute. You have fangs too." I said. They looked over to the mirror to see, but they couldn't see their reflection. They turned to face me, and they smiled big, showing their fangs and everything. 

"At least you won't outlive me anymore." They said, it made me smile too. 

"Let's wait a little bit before trying to come up with a antidote. I mean we have all the time in the world now." 


1023 words

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Have a great day! Ye! 🖤

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