How They Would React to You Being Pregnant | Turtle Boys 🌈

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Request from halfawitchsterling

Reader is female 




♤ He is the happiest turtle on earth 🌎

♤ He'll hug you tightly right after you tell him, but slightly less tight because he doesn't want to squish the baby

♤ He definitely talks to the baby, or really your tummy

♤ Makes sure to give your belly many many kisses 💋 😘 

♤ When you both cuddle He'll lay his head on your tummy

♤ The second you tell him the baby is kicking, He'll run right over

♤ He probably cries when he first feels the baby kicking

♤ He would die for that baby, and he hasn't even met them yet


◇ Jumps up and down many many times 

◇ He can't believe he's going to be a father 

◇ He honestly has been wanting to have a baby for a long long time, even before you both first discussed it

◇ Has no idea what he is doing 

◇ He's a little scared at first once it sinks in that he's really going to have his own bundle of joy to take care of 

◇ You reassure him that he's going to be a great father and that you were feeling the same way yourself

◇ When you both first started dating, Leo said that your the person he loves the most out of everyone in the world, but once that baby comes into this world, your going to have some competition 


♧ He insisted on delivering the baby

♧ No random person is going to deliver his baby, it's going to be him

♧ He helped put that thing in your belly, he's going to help get it out

♧ Honestly he kinda assumed that you were pregnant before you told him, so he kinda just asked about it

♧ "Y/n are you pregnant because based on all my research you consist of many signs of a woman being pregnant like-"

♧ You shut him up right then and there, and you just tell him

♧ Wanted to name the baby the longest name you've ever heard


♡ Fjnlofdjnfidunwljonlqojnsskq

♡ He's freaking squeeling 

♡ I mean he's completely overjoyed

♡ You have to make him sit down, after a while

♡ Tummy kisses are a must 

♡ Definitely makes food for you to eat that way the baby can eat some too

♡ "Hey Honeybee, eat this so the baby can have some!"


384 words

Thank you for reading! 

Constructive criticism is always appreciated 

Have a great day

Have new years eve! Ye! 🎊

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