Broken | Yandere Raph ♠️♥️

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Request from: @JezzyUnique123

You broke your leg, and Raph had been taking care of you ever since. He said it would be easier to take care of you if you were with him in the sewers, but you said no. Little did you know there wasn't an option. 

WARNINGS: Yandere themes, Kidnapping, drugging



3rd person POV

A couple of days ago you had broken your leg, when you slipped off the ladder, leaving the sewers. It was a little weird because usually it's nowhere near that slippery, but you didn't question it. 

Luckily your friend, Raph was there to help you. It's almost like knew you needed help. He carried you back to your apartment and onto your bed. He offered to help you put a cast on your leg, and even take care of you until it heals. How could you refuse that offer? He bandaged it up, but it felt really weird, like he didn't bandage it up correctly. 

"Hey Raph, are you sure you did this correctly? It doesn't feel like it's really going to keep it still." You said, pointing to the cast.

"Nonsense! I did it right. It should heal perfectly, don't worry." He said, denying your claim. Your sure he's done this a million times before, so he must know what he's doing. "You know how about I take you to the lair, to take care of you? It would make it much easier on you."

"Oh, no I'm good! I'll be fine, don't worry. You don't have to take care of me or anything. I'm sure I'll be able to walk around like it's nothing in a few days, with crutches." You said. Raph didn't like that. 

"Are you sure, how about just for the first few days?" He asked, trying to convince you, yet again to come over. You just said that you were fine, and it wasn't really worth the trouble. Raph was didn't want to spend a bunch of time trying to convince you to come, when he can just take you there himself. 

"Okie dokie, N/n. Whatever you say." He said, trying to act like he didn't care about your decision. "How about I make you something to eat, alright?" He said, already opening the door to the kitchen. 

"Oh alright. Thanks so much Raph! Your so sweet." You said, completely oblivious of what he was going to make you, or rather what he was going to put into it. 


You woke up, wrapped in warm, comfy blankets. You were so relaxed that you felt like you never wanted to get up again. With your eyes still closed, you rolled over to wrap yourself in more of the fluffy blanket, but you felt a shooting pain in your leg.

You quickly shot up, and opened your eyes, realizing you weren't in your room. You were in Raph's. You flipped the blankets off of you to see your leg no longer bandaged or protected.

You wonder how long you've been here, or when you did get here. You remembered you told Raph to let you stay home, but he probably was just concerned about your condition. Even so, why was your leg no longer bandaged?

You here foot steps coming, and you turned you head to the entrance of the room, trying to not move your body. Raph walked in, and noticed that you were awake. 

"Hello, sleepyhead! How long have you been awake?" He asked, completely ignoring the fact that he basically just took you here without any consent. 

"Just ummm a few minutes. What am I doing here and how long have I been asleep?" You asked, completely confused. I mean him just being a little overprotective is the only logical reason, right?

"Oh yeah, sooo I just wanted to be able to take care of you better so I brought you here. You fell asleep right after you ate, so I figured that's when it would be easiest to bring you here." He said, acting a little nervous. 

"And how long have I been asleep?" You said, scared because he didn't answer the before.

"Just a couple of hours." He said, looking away. You looked at the clock; It was only 1:30 pm. It was the middle of the afternoon. It was impossible for you to only be asleep for a couple of hours. 

"Why are you lying to me?" You asked. He was always a terrible lier, but when it mattered he was good.

"Fine, I don't want to lie to you anymore. You were asleep for two days. The reason you slept so well, was because I drugged you. And your here because I'm obsessed with you." He said, coming closer to you. You scooted to the other side of the bed in fear. 

"What do you mean obsessed?!" You said, scared out of your mind. You thought he was your friend, not some psycho. 

"I love you, Y/n. How could I not. Your just so perfect. So tiny and adorable. And your all mine~" He said, reaching for you. 


835 words

Sorry this one is short. I wanted to get around to all of my requests, that way I could open my requests again. I finally got off of Christmas break, so I should be able to write more.

Thank you for your patience and for reading.

Constructive criticism is always appreciated.

Have a great day! Ye! 🖤

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