🖤 Yandere Headcanons 🖤

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WARNINGS: Kidnapping, Angst, Physical Abuse, Yandere themes, murder, making out, blood, tying the reader to a chair, stalking, watching the reader sleep, drugging, and needles

(Man this is a lot)




At first you both are friends, but then you start dating

Once you start dating he gets a little weird

He wants you to always be within reach, and if your not he'll go to you

If your at your apartment he will call you for hours at a time, and will not leave you alone

After a while of doing this, he gets lonely and decides it's time to bring you home

He knocks you out, and you wake up in his bed

He had Donnie put a tracker on you

It's very rare, but if your not grateful enough about all that he's given you, he'll hit you. 

He forces you to cuddle with him

"Nothing will ever come between us, sweet pea. I'll make sure of it."


Doesn't even wait to take you home

He'll portal you to the lair, just days after he falls for you

He just describes the new living arrangement as a kind of forever sleep over

At first it takes him a while to realize that you don't like your new living arrangement, and want to go home because in his mind you love him just as much as he loves you

Expect just a little less because you can never live him as much as he loves you

"But darling, don't you want to stay with me? You have everything you've ever wanted. Good food, a nice place to stay, and me. You love me, right?"

Makes you sit in his lap, while he reads comic books

He'll tie you to a chair, and make out with you, against your will

He won't really hurt you if you fight against this. He'll just tighten the ropes around your hands and legs

If you really aggravate him, he'll tighten them so much, that it draws a little blood

He also uses pain as a threat, but never really does anything he says he will to you


(You better prepare yourself for this)

Places security cameras in your room and watches you, from the comfort of his lab

Sneaks into your apartment and just watches you sleep, if watching you over a camera isn't enough

Needs to hear you light snores perfectly, he needs to feel your warm body under your blankets, he needs to be there to kiss your tears away if you have a nightmare

Makes you believe that he is the only person that will ever love you, and that everyone else will leave you

Waits for one of your friends to get into just a small, easily resolved fight, and kills them right after, so you think they just ghosted you after the fight

"Don't worry, starlight. I'll always be hear for you. I'll never leave you."

Eventually does kidnap you

He basically makes you his lab partner, and personal assistant 

He even makes you help him with tech that'll keep you from leaving, and you don't know about it's purpose until he uses it against you

He will drug you, and us you to test certain vaccines or antidotes he's created 

Ties you to a chair and injects it into you

He insists it'll help you fight off diseases or help your health, and you even thank him sometimes


He will refer to you as "mine" on a regular basis

Ties you up with his chains 

Wouldn't dream of physically hurting you, but he breaks you down mentally

Won't do anything too serious without your consent, but he's really good at convincing you

"Come on, Darling. Don't you want to at least try? I'm dieing to know how you taste. I promise it'll feel good, sunshine."

Makes you taste test all of the food he makes, and he definitely puts drugs into your food

He'll mainly put drugs that'll make you fall asleep for a long time

Once you wake up, yo don't remember anything, and he just tells you you just took a little nap after lunch

You get confused when you look at the date on a clock or a calendar and it says it's a day later, but Mikey reassures you that you were only asleep for a couple of hours

Sometimes you'll wake up in a different outfit than you thought you were wearing too

Mikey either buys or makes the majority of your wardrobe, so you usually where a cute dress or overalls and sometimes a comfortable sweater

Mikey loves to dress you up in cute outfits, I mean how couldn't he. Your just so adorable!


(I've never seen a yandere April, so I thought I'd try it)

April honestly is probably the nicest out of all of them

She always makes sure your comfortable, and happy

She doesn't really ask much of you, or make you do anything specific, she just enjoys your company

She believes the nicer she is, the sooner you are going to warm up to her, and soon love her

She honestly is crazy either or anything like that

She only really goes crazy if you aren't appreciative enough about all that she has done for you and how nice she has been

Only threatens you with pain. She would never lay a finger on you

Takes you out on walks in New York and let's you leave often, but she has mayhem follow you and portal you back, if you do anything that she thinks would keep you away from her

She'll also tell mayhem to teleport you back after a while because she misses you

"Sorry hun. I was starting to miss your adorable face. We can go on a walk later this afternoon though."


Thank you for reading

Constructive criticism is always appreciated

Have a great day! Ye! 🖤

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