Come Back Home | April ⚾

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You were kidnapped 4 months ago, and April has been looking for you ever since. April recently got a new job at a grocery store, which was the same on your kidnapper would shop at. 

WARNINGS: Kidnapping and mentions of physical abuse 



3rd person POV 

You had been kidnapped for about 4 months now, you think. You usually were kept in a dark room with no windows, for long periods of time, so you couldn't really tell. All you know is that once you had freedom, and now it's gone. Once you had April and now she's gone.

Because of this your sleep schedule was all messed up, so in the middle of the day, you felt like snoozing. In the middle of the night, you could fall asleep. So even if you were allowed to go outside, you left terrible all the time. 

This would happen on really rare occasions. You'd only be allowed to leave, when he went grocery shopping once a month, and even that was a quick trip. He also makes sure you wouldn't grab anyone's attention, by threatening you. Half the time your to tired to even care, and you don't want to make him mad. 


You and him were in the car, heading over to the the grocery store. He was going over all of the rule, and the punishments for breaking those rules. You didn't really listen and nodded your head occasionally, since it was the same thing every trip. 

He parked the car and got out the car, and you followed him. You followed him intp the grocery store, with a saddened look on your face. You were so tired. You pulled your hood over your head, due to the bright lights. 

"Now let's be quick. We only need a few things. Go get a cart." He said, sternly. You followed his orders and quickly got a cart. He would always tell you what to get, and never actually get anything himself. Even if it was really high up. 

You remember when shopping used to be fun. You and April would get ingredients to make nice dinners together. You both would always make sure to get snacks and sweets. And anytime you'd ask to get something yummy, shed always say yes. 

You missed her dearly. You hope she felt the same way, I mean it has been so long, what if she's with someone else now. Terrible thoughts flooded your brain. You just wanted to be free again. You just wanted to be in April's arm again. 

You both had finished grocery shopping, and waited in the check out line. You weren't really pay attention to your surroundings, so you didn't see who was working at the check out line. Once you stopped, he started getting everything out of the shopping cart. Just then you heard him curse, and you looked up. 

"I forgot my credit card!" He said, annoyed. He turned to you, and whispered in your ear. "I'm going to the car to get my credit card. You stay here with the grocery's. The car is right there, so don't you dare think about trying anything funny." He said. Then he left quickly. 

"So how's your day going?" You here the lady working at the check out line say. You weren't really paying attention, so you just said "good," and went back to your thoughts. "Good to here." Just then you realized who that voice belonged to, and you looked up. It was April! 

"April?" You said, in a weak and raspy voice. She looked over to you, as you pulled the hood off of your head. She was completely ecstatic! 

"Y/n! I can't believe it's you!" She said, practically jumping over the counter to you. She gave you a big hug, as tears down both of your faces. 

"I-I thought I-I'd never s-see you a-again!" You said, hugging her as tight a physically possible. 

"I thought you were kidnapped or something, and who was that with you?" She asked, letting you go, and wiping the tears off of your face with her thumb. 

"He was the guy who kidnapped me and- wait he's going to be back any second!" You said, getting scared again. What would he do to you if he found out. 

"Here, quickly. Let's head to the managers office and we'll call the police." She said, trying her best to calm you down, and keep you safe. "I'll make sure he never hurts you. I'm not losing you again."

She grabbed your hand and guided you to the managers office, where he wouldn't find you. April told the manager about what was happening and he called the police. As they waited for them to arrive, April tried her best to comfort you, and tell it was all over. 

The authorities took care of everything once they came. And you were rushed to the hospital, to make sure you didn't have any major injuries, due to him physically abusing you. 

You were only there for the night, and April was right there beside you the entire time, making sure you had everything you needed, and that you didn't get any nightmares. Once the doctor told you everything was okay, April drove you back home.

"Is there anything you want to do now that we're home? I could start a movie and we could cuddle, or you could just take a nap and get some rest. Anything you want Hun, I'll get you." She said, planting a kiss to your forehead. 

"I just want to take a nap and cuddle. I haven't gotten a good night's sleep in like forever." You said, as you yawned. 

"Okay sweet pea." She said, taking you hand and walking with you to the bed. She got some extra blankets and pillows to make sure you feel as comfortable as possible. Then she hopped into bed with you. You snuggled into her, as she wrapped her arms around your waist. 

"I missed this so much." You said, quickly falling asleep after.

"I missed this too. More than you'll ever know." 


1011 words

I just realized that I've never actually done an April one shot so here it is

Thank you for reading

Constructive criticism is always appreciated

Have a great day! Ye! 💚⚾

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