Father Figure⏳💙 x Daughter Reader (r)

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Request from @halfawitchSterling 

Platonic of course

During the kraang apocalypse, you got violently ill. Your Uncle Mikey, had to take care of you for the most part because your father is head of the resistance. While Mikey wasn't watching you, you left one of the headquarters. Leo had found you right before the kraang would've finished you off and told you not to leave again. But you did anyway.

WARNINGS: Angst, injuries, reader dies, blood, stabbing,  choking



3rd person POV

You were lying in bed in one of the rooms that was in  the resistance's headquarters. These rooms were ment as a rest spot for people who were sick or injured. This part of the headquarters also had a bunch of medical supplies. 

You were one of those people who were very ill. A huge disease has been going around and infecting everyone. Your Uncle Donnie was coming up with vaccine as we speak, but there was very limited supplies and it was very difficult. 

Your Uncle had always taken care of all the vaccines and medical stuff. He taught the half of the resistance how to perform surgery. 

Your Uncle Mikey had been taking care of you in the mean time. He has been trying to heal you with his powers, but he doesn't really know how to. It's difficult to figure out, even for him. Some things have helped you, and some things made you worse. 

Your Uncle had to take care of you because Leo, your dad, was head of the resistance. He was the most important person in the entire kraang apocalypse. You rarely ever saw him lately because the kraang recently found one of the headquarters, and a lot of people had to move into other ones. 

It's also slow because you always helped out. You were very important too. You were the future of the resistance. You have to train and you help beginners with their training, but you were stuck in bed. 

"Hey Uncle Mikey? When do you think Uncle D will come up with that antidote? He's been working on it for weeks." You asked, while Mikey gave you a tray with some food on it, so you could eat in bed. 

"I don't know. He said he's been very busy, due to the relocation." He said, brushing hair out of your face.

"What about dad?" You said, picking up a peace of bread. 

"Same for him. You must miss him though, huh?" He said, kissing your forehead.

"Yeh. I wish I could be helping him with the resistance instead of just sitting in bed." You said, sadly. 

"I'll be back okay? I need to go help some other people really quick. I'll be back in like five minutes tops, alright." He said.

"Okay." You said, as he left. You turned to your right to see a small radio on the night stand. If you were bored you usually just turned the radio on and listened to all the news. Usually it would be about kraang or something like that. You turned it on and heard a voice in panic.

The voice said that there is a kraang attack at the coordinates 124, 72, 184. You knew where that was and it wasn't far from here. You quickly hopped out of bed. And headed towards the door. You peeked your head out of the door and made sure Mikey wasn't there. Then you got a sword and headed out. 

You ran over to the coordinates and saw the whole attack. There were a lot of them, but they were all fairly small, so you could take a couple of them. You quickly ran at one and stabbed it, killing the monster. There were a couple more that you had taken out before one had wrapped its tentacles (I think that's what it is) around your neck, and pushed you to the ground. 

You were gasping for air, trying to breath, but you weren't able to get any air. He had knocked your sword out of your hand, leaving you completely defenseless. Everything started to go black, until you felt him release his grip from around your neck. Once you felt that you heard a familiar voice.

"Y/n? Y/n! Are you okay?!" Your dad said, picking you up. You looked up at him to see a worried look on his face. "I can't believe you left headquarters! Your sick! Your supposed to be in bed! Does Mikey know your not in bed." 

"I'm sorry. I just wanted to help. I'm tired of sitting in bed, feeling useless. I should be helping people." You said, looking away. 

"Your not well enough to fight anyone. You need to promise me, that you will not go into any more battle, until you are fully healed." He said, pointing his finger at you. "I don't want to lose you."

"Okay, dad. I won't." You said, as he sat you down, on your feet. 



You were sitting in bed once again, a few days later. You had some more bandages wrapped around your arms, legs, and neck from the fight a couple of days ago. Mikey usually checks up on you every hour or so to make sure you were doing okay, but he hasn't shown up yet. 

You were a little curious where he was. He was probably just a little busier today than usual, but if he was he'd usually tell you. 

Just then you heard a loud bang and some screams. You quickly got out of bed and opened the door. You looked down the hallway to see people running away and Mikey opening door, and tell people evacuate now. Then he quickly ran up to you, once he realized you were out of bed.

"Y/n! Go to the exit down in Sector B! That exit is safe. The kraang found this location." You nodded and he handed you sword. "Now listen to me. You are under no circumstances to fight. Your main priority is to get out. Okay?" He said. 

"Okay." You said, and you went ahead and left. You ran over to sector B, dodging some of the kraang monsters. You kept running until you heard a familiar voice. You looked over to see your dad fight some of them off, and trying to get people out of the building.

Then you saw one of them, knock a sword out of his hand, and another grabbed him by the throat. You knew exactly what to do, since he did the same before. You looked at the kraang and swung your sword at him. 

Once you did the kraang threw you against a wall, right before they died. You dad ran over to you, and made sure you were okay. He looked at you, you were bleeding from the back of your head, and he checked for a pulse. But there wasn't one.

You were gone.


1139 words

Thank you for the request! 

Constructive criticism is always appreciated

Thank you for reading!

Have a great day! Ye! 💙

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