Sweet ❤️ x Flirty Reader (r)

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Request from: @ROTMNTG33K 

The reader immediately falls in love with a certain snapping turtle and continuously flirts with him. Then they help out with April's bake sale and flirt with raph. After a while Raph flirts back and the reader practically dies. Now they are a couple! Woohoo!



3rd Person POV

You had accidentally bumped into the turtles when they were playing basketball one night. You were heading over to play, but realized there were people there, so you decided just to go back. 

Before you turned around to leave though, you accidentally startled them, and Raph fell over. Once he did his hood fell off of him, revealing his face. You immediately thought they looked cool! I mean who wouldn't? 

After that you became very close with the turtles. Especially Raph. You didn't know what was going on. I mean you, in love with a turtle?! But he looked so cute. 

Eventually overtime you'd try to confess your feelings to him, but you'd always back out. Then I became a regular thing for you to flirt with him. He had never flirted back to you before, so you figured he didn't like you back. 


One day you were walking into the lair, because April was going to bake with Mikey, for her bake sale. You figured you would help to, but it wasn't really just to help out. It was because Raph was helping too. 

You were so excited, as you headed to the kitchen. Once you came in, you saw Mikey and April already panicking. April had pulled out a tray of cookies, that were currently on fire. And Mikey was trying to keep his cool, but was kinda failing.

You quickly got a fire extinguisher and put the fire out. Everyone relaxed after that, thanks to you.

"Nice thinking, Y/n! I guess that was a little smarter than just trying to blow it out." Mikey said, placing the plan of his hand on the back of his neck.

"Thanks! I guess it was a good idea for me to help out!" You said. Then you looked around, a little bit confused, and Mikey and April both noticed.

"Let me guess your looking for Raph?" April said, rolling her eyes and smirking. You were surprised that she could easily tell 

"Is it really that obvious?!" You said. 

"You literally flirt with him all the time! Let me guess the only reason you came was because Raph was going to help?" Mikey said.

"Haha." You nervously chuckled. "Yeah, sorry! Where is he though?" You said. They both smiled though, see how predictable you were.

"He's a little busy at the moment. He would say why, but he said he'd still come to help soon. While you wait for Raph to come, do you want to help us out though?" Mikey said. 

"Sure!" You said getting an apron and starting to get ingredients for brownies.


"I just can't say anything! It's like anytime they talk I freeze!" Raph said, to Leo. Leo was helping him in his room, trying to come up with a good pick up line. 

"Ooo. I know! You could say 'did you just come out of the oven because you look hot!'" Leo said, excitedly.

"I don't know Leo. I want to say some more sweet." He said blushing a little bit. 

"Hmmm I don't know. Maybe you should be the one to come up with them." Leo said.

"What! You know I can't do that!" Leo chuckled a little at the statement. 

"Hey I think they might be almost done, with all the baking and stuff. We've been talking about this for like an hour now. You better go ahead and help." Leo said. 

"Omigosh! Its been like and hour!" Raph said, looking at the clock in Leo's room. "I guess the whole pick up line thing can wait untill another day. I've got to go help them out! Thanks Leo!" 

"No probles, hermano!" Leo said waving him out. Raph ran back to the kitchen. And ran right into the room.

"GUYS IM HERE!" He yelled, starling everyone a little bit. You all turned to him, confused.

"Is everything okay Raph?!" You said. Then he realized he just straight up ran into the room and yelled. 

"Oh um yeah. Everything fine, Y/n!" He said his voice cracking a little bit. You giggled a little bit at his voice crack and motioned for him to come over.

"Come on and help us. We were about to make some batter for the cupcakes." You said, opening the party and getting the flour and all that jazz. "Could you get the butter?" You asked him. "It's in the fridge, in the first drawer." You said, pointing to the fridge.

"Okie dokie!" Raph said. He opened the fridge and took the butter out of the drawer. Once he did, he started to fumble with it, almost dropping, like a million times. You looked over at him and giggled a little bit.

You walked over to him and effortlessly caught the butter, before it was able to hit the ground. You smirked at him, when he looked up at you like, 'how were you able to do that?'

"Looks like someone has a case of butter fingers." You said, heading over to the counter and placing it into the bowl. Raph was blushing bad. It was practically killing him. 

You all finished the batter and put it into the oven. Once they came out, Mikey and April decided to go get washed up, because they had batter all over them. You and Raph were left in the kitchen all alone after that.

You waited for the cupcakes to cool and then you iced them with Raph. You were excited to taste test one, so the second you were done, you tried one.

"Ohmigosh! Raph this is so good! You have to taste test one!" You said taking another bite out of the cupcake and giving another one to Raph. Once you did, something happened that you didn't expect, at all.

"Actually I'd prefer to just taste test you instead." He said looking away from you. Then he realized he actually just said that, and he almost had a panic attack, right then and there.

"Oh God. That was terrible! I'm sorry!" He said. He was looking away, so he wasn't able to see your blushing face. 

Then you grabbed him and pulled him in for a kiss. At first Raph was surprised, but then he kissed back. God it felt amazing! You tasted like cupcakes! The kiss ended and both were blushing so bad. 

Then you heard giggles and snorts. You both turned around immediately, to see April and Mikey absolutely dieing.

"Omigosh! Get out!" They all ran out once you said that and you and Raph started to laugh too. 


1120 words! 

Constructive criticism is always appreciated

Have a great day! Ye! ❤️

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