If They Fall Asleep ❤️🧡💙💜💚

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♡ He'll snore extremely loud

♡ You know for a fact that you won't be able to move him to his room, but you'll try anyway 

♡ You will give up and decided to go get some pillows and fluffy blankets instead

♡ You carefully lift his head to place a pillow underneath it. Then you'll kiss his forehead.

♡ You lay onto of him and place the blanket on you both, making sure it covers his entire body

♡ Once you snuggle into his chest, he'll unconscious wrap his arms around you, like your a teddy bear


♡ He'll be laying in your lap watching a movie with you on his tablet

♡ He was the one holding it, so when he slowly fell asleep the tablet fell too.

♡ You looked at him to see that he had fallen asleep 

♡ Then he rolled over to his side and snuggled into your thigh

♡ You blushed like crazy for about five minutes until you realized you couldn't feel your legs anymore


♡ He'll be working on a project late at night and you'll be in his lab with him because you were his lab partner

♡ You were daydreaming or night dreaming, when you heard a thunk

♡ You went over to Donnie to make sure he was okay and he was asleep on his desk

♡ He was wearing his battle shell that hovers so you turned it on

♡ You were worried it would wake him up, but he was sound asleep, hovering in the air.

♡ You held his hand and lead him to his bed

♡ You turned of the battle shell, making him fall onto the bed

♡ Surprisingly he was still asleep

♡ You put his battle shell up and went over to cuddle 


♡ You went to go get Mikey a snack, while he drew

♡ You came back to find Mikey in his shell, in the middle of the room

♡ You knocked on his shell to get his attention and you heard light snoring

♡ You picked him up and sat down on the couch, with him, still in his shell, laying in your lap

♡ You rested your arms on his shell and rested your head onto of your arms

♡ Then you slowly drifted to sleep


♡ Falls asleep while watching a movie with you 

♡ She'll lay her head onto of yours and lightly snore

♡ Then she'll accidentally wrap her arms around d your waist and hug you tightly

♡ As much as you loved it you couldn't stay in this position forever 

♡ You tried to carefully get up, but Mayhem jumped onto your lap and fell asleep

♡ You were likely going to be there for the next 3 hours, so you decided to go to sleep too.

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