Wounds | Future Donnie 🔮

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Request from: Rachel878229

Ever since you first met Donnie, you had always gone to him if you had any wounds. Now that your in the Kraang invasion, it's a little more common that you would go to him.


3rd person POV 

You and Donnie had been friends since long before the Kraang invasion. Anytime you would get hurt in combat, you'd always go to Donnie, to get your wounds cleaned up. He was always happy to do it, and he found it as a type of bonding time together. 

But ever since the Kraang invasion, your wounds have been getting worse and worse. It's been getting more and more difficult for Donnie to clean and sew up. It's been getting harder for you to recover too. 

What turned into bonding time, turned into sickening feeling. The sickening feeling that you wouldn't recover, or possibly die, and Donnie felt the same way. He didn't want to see you get hurt. Sure he didn't like it when you used to come to him if you had a single scratch, but it just gets worse and worse. 

You were heading over to Donnie's lab once again. You had taken a stab to the stomach, which made it very difficult, and agonizing to walk over to his lab. Sure you've had bad wounds, but nothing like this. 

Once you got to the doors of the lab, you weakly knocked on the door, and laid on on the wall. He answer the door, and looked around to see if he actually heard a knock or if it was just the wind. He looked to the wall on his right, to see you bleeding out, and barely being able to stand. 

"Oh God, Y/n! Are you okay? What happened? Let's go ahead and get you inside." He said, picking you up with ease, and closing the door behind him. He set you down on his bed, and quickly got a first aid kit. 

He didn't have any pain killers because they were so rare to find, and you soon passed out due to the pain, not to terribly long into the procedure. 


You woke up a little while later. Your eye sight was a little fuzzy, but it didn't last long. You tried to sit up, but a shooting pain in your stomach kept you from doing so. You saw Donnie turn around in his spinning chair, and get up, rushing over to you. 

"Don't get up just yet, okay? You need to rest for a while. You took quite a hit. Is there anything I can get you?" He asked, wanting to do everything and anything possible to make sure you were okay. 

"Could you get me some water, please?" You asked, weakly. He nodded, and headed to go get you some water. You looked at a clock, on the side table, and saw that it had probably been about a day now, since you were stabbed. 

"Here you go." Donnie said, entering the room, and handing you a glass of water. You quickly took it from him, and started to chug the whole glass. Once you were done he took the glass from you and set it on the side table. "Geez, you must've been thirsty." He said. 

You were so glad to have Donnie, take care of you. He was always there when you needed him. Maybe you were a little too glad though. Over time you felt that you might've started to develop feelings for him. You didn't want to tell him because we'll what if he didn't feel the same way. 

Donnie was never very good at affection or anything like that. Platonic or not, so why would he ever be interested in a partner? And even if he did like you, he might not want to be in a relationship, with everything that's going on. Little did you know Donnie felt the exact same way about you. 

He didn't know if you like him, or if you'd even want to be in a relationship. What if you like someone else? There was to much anxiety, filling up his brain. And you two have been friends forever, no reason he should risk the friendship you both already have. 

"Is there anything else I can get you?" He asked. You thought for a moment. You had no idea how long you would be recovering. 

"I guess I'm a little cold. Do you have a blanket or anything like that?" You asked. He got up and looked around. You heard him mumble a little bit, trying to find a blanket. 

"Oh that's right I gave my last ones to Mikey, so he could use them at the camp." You heard him say to himself. The heater wasn't working right, and it was a little late in fall, so it was practically freezing. 

"Sorry, I don't have anything to keep you warm." He said, sadly. He looked at your shriving body, feeling terrible, that you were so so cold. "Do-do you want me to cuddle with you or something like that? I don't want you to be uncomfortable or anything like that." He said. 

Deep down, Donnie had wanted to hold you for years, but he would never if it made you uncomfortable. You too, had really wanted to cuddle up with him, so you looked away and nodded, scooching over to make space for him. He nodded, and crawled into bed with you. He gently wrapped his arms around you, careful to  it hurt you. 

"Tell me if I hurt you, okay?" He said, a little worried he might. You hugged him back, soaking up his warmth. 

"Okay, I will Donnie." You said, in the sweetest voice he ever heard. Maybe it was the fact that you were tired or maybe Donnie was just imagining things, but he swore you said, "I love you, Donnie." 

He looked down at you, and you had already fallen asleep. He smiled and pressed a kiss to your forehead. 

"I love you too." 


1005 words 

Thank you for reading! 

Constructive criticism is always appreciated! 

Have a great day!

Ye! 🔮

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