Rule #2: You Can't Ask For More Wishes 💙 x Genie reader

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This is a part two, to my Leo x Genie reader oneshot.

Basically Leo will accidentally say "I wish" around Y/n and then he'll have to make a wish to undo a wish. It happens so much that it ruins plans and their date nights. 


Leo's POV

Today me and Y/n had another date, but it was ruined because of the stupid three wishes rule. I only use a wish if I need to, like today. Y/n was getting us pizza do we could all eat on the roof like we always do, and do our patrolling, while we eat pizza. 

But then we saw Meat Sweats trying to catch some silver fish in the alley. We didn't have our weapons so I had to make a wish, so they would appear. Then we fought Meat Sweats, and won, obviously!

So then I had two wishes left. I was reading comics with Y/n later that day. They were sitting in my lap  and reading the comic that was in front of the both of us. Once we finished the comic I accidentally said "Man, that has to be one of my favorites. I wish I had unlimited comics. That would be nice." Then I immediately put my hand over my mouth, but the wish was already hear and granted.

Comics started to appear everywhere. As cool as it was, it was flooding my room and it wouldn't stop. Today was our date night, but we couldn't wait till tomorrow to deal with "this whole situation." 

"I'm sorry, Starlight, but I have to make a wish to make it stop." I said sadly, looking at the ground. They turned around to face me.

"It's okay, Leo. It was an accident, but I was really looking forward to our date, tonight. It's been so long since we actually went out together." You said a little disappointed, but understanding. I sighed and made the wish.

"I wish all these comic books would disappear." I said. Sadly, they went ahead and granted the wish and all the comic books started to disappear. 

"Bye, baby. See you tomorrow." They said waving as they were sucked into the bottle.

"Yeah, see you soon, Cupcake." I said weakly waving back to them, but they had already went inside and they didn't hear me. 

I hated this! I hated not being able to see them. Not being able spend the whole day with them. Not being able to make plans with them because of them being a genie. I love that teor a genie, but it gets so annoying. I'd never make another wish if it went I'd get to see them when ever.

"Wait! I could wish them to not be a genie! Then they wouldn't leave and we could spend way more time together and it wouldn't ruin plans and man I'm a genius!!!" I held out, talking to my self. Then Donnie poked his head in the room.

"What's this about being a genius?" 

"I'm a genius." I said looking over a Donnie. Then he walked in.

"That it the word genius is officially banned from this lair, since you all clearly don't know how to properly use the word in sentence." He said. "And may I ask why you are this so called 'genius'" Donnie said doing figure quotes with only one finger.

"I think I know how I'll get to spend more time with Y/n! I'm just going to wish them to not be a genie. I said. Then Raph poped into the room too.

"Are you sure Leo? I mean I get what your getting at, but their powers help us with a lot of missions. I kinda need them." Raph said and Donnie nodded along with them. 

"But that's not fair. I miss them! They have to leave almost every day! I can't do anything with them!" I said balling my fists up, angrily. "We've stopped villains before and Y/n can still help without granting a wish."

"I guess you have a point. By make sure to talk about it with Y/n. This is an important decision and it can't be undone." He said, seriously and left the room. He motioned for Donnie to follow and he did. 

"Sorry Nardo." He said as he moved the curtain closed, leaving me alone in the room with my thoughts. Maybe I'm just being selfish. It's important that they help everyone in danger and if they can't grant wish them it could put people's lives in danger. There has been multiple time where they have save my life because of a wish. Same for my brothers. But I miss them.


The next day I woke up and immediately rubbed the lamp. Y/n was still asleep, so when they came out they almost fell on the floor. I caught them, but I had startled them awake on accident.

"Leo, it's 7 in the morning. I'm trying to sleep." You said rubbing your eyes and yawning, still in my arms.

"I know I was just really excited to see you!" I said happily, planting a kiss on their forehead. They giggled a little bit and blushed, when they realized I was still holding them.

"I'm happy to see you too, Baby. I'm sorry about yesterday. I really am." You said, as I set you flew out of my arms.

"Its not your fault, Sugarplum. I have something to ask you though." I said sitting down on my bed, then they levitated over my bed. 

"What's up?" They said, curiously.

"I was just wondering, can I wish for you to not be a genie. Like a real person. Of course it's your decision, but it would be nice if id get to see you with our you disappearing." I said. I looked over to you and you couldn't look happier.

"Really?! You'd give up having anything that you could wish for just to spend time with me?!" They said. They could hardly stay still. "But what about your missions. You know I help out a lot with 'this whole situation.'" They said.

"I know and you can still help, it's just this is something I really want. I miss you everyday,and I hope you feel the same." I said holding my hands in theirs.

"Leo! Of course I feel the same. I love you so much!" They said kissing me and giving me a hug. I hugged back and rested my chin onto of their head. Once the hug ended, we both stood up.

"Y/n, I wish you were no longer a genie." I said, happily.

"Your wish is my command!" They said, clapping their hands together and spinning around. Magic smoke circled around them. Once it cleared I looked at them, and they looked at me. We both smiled at each other. They walked over to give a hug, but fell over. I caught them just before they hit the ground.

"I forgot if have legs. Guess I need to learn how to walk." You said giggling. Then I laughed along with them.

"I love you." I said to them.

"I love you too, Leo."


1162 words

Honestly I'm really proud of the titles for both parts. They work so well.

Constructive criticism is always appreciated

Thank you for reading

Have a great day! Ye! 💙

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