Questions | Donnie 📝

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You are insanely smart, but one question on your homework stumped you. You tried all you could, but you couldn't figure it out, so you called Donnie. He came over and even he was stumped. 



You got home from another busy day at school, with a bunch of note books filled with homework in your hands. You didn't really enjoy homework, since it took you a very long time to do it all, but it wasn't very difficult for you. 

Ever since elementary school, you've always been top of your class. Of course that was probably because of Donnie. When you first met him, he taught you everything he knew, and after a while you caught up to him level of smarts. 

Of course you couldn't come up with the inventions he made; coming up with all the designs and blue prints, but you could help him out. When Donnie started a new invention, you'd come over and do your homework there. Then you'd get up and help him whenever he needed it. Today though he was just working on an update for his tech-bo, so you didn't really need to help him. 

You started to open your journals and text books, getting your homework out, and getting ready to work on it. You started first with your ELA homework, then moved to your science. After about thirty minutes you were almost done. You just needed to finish your math homework. 

You opened up your text books and notes to your lesson and assignments. You looked at the work you had confused. Your teacher said that this was going to be the hardest unit of the year, but you didn't think it was going to be this bad. 

Not only that, but you missed class to go help the turtles with a fight with meat sweats, so you didn't understand any of the material. You tried looking in all of your textbooks for examples on how to solve the equation, but you could wrap your head around it. 

"What even is this?" You whispered to yourself, rapidly flipping through pages. You decided it would probably be best just to call Donnie to have him take a look at it, so you went a head and dialed him number into your phone. The phone rang, until he finally picked up the phone. Then you heard his usual greeting. 

"You are conversing with Donatello." He said, smoothly. You giggled a little bit at his greeting. You loved him so much. 

"Hey, Dee. Could you come over and help me out with one of the problems I have on my math homework? I have no idea what to do, and I was absent when they taught us this." You said, staring at the equation. "Also the entire homework is based on this method, so if I don't know how to solve the first equation I can't answer a single question on the homework." You said, feeling a little stupid.

"What of course! I would be happy to help out my significant other." He said, happily. "And plus if you end up getting valedictorian, then it would be like we both were getting valedictorian." He said, and you laughed. You definitely wouldn't be where you are now with out him. 

"Thanks, Donnie! I love you." You said, through the phone. Then you blew him a kiss. 

"Love you too!" He said, and then he hung up. He put on his battle shell, and then started to make his way over to your apartment. 


Just minutes after you had called him, you heard a knock on your window. You looked over and your boyfriend was waving and smiling at you. You smiled, and got up to let him. Once you opened the window he immediately kissed your cheek, and jumped into your bedroom. 

"Hello, Dove. What homework do you need help with?" He said, looking over at your desk. He noticed all of the papers on your desk and smiled. "Ohmigosh it's glorious! You have no idea how lucky you are to have this much work to do!" He said happily. 

"Well you can do my homework all the time if you want. Consider it an early birthday present." You said, laughing a little bit and crossing your arms. 

"How could you not want to do this? It looks like so much fun!" He said, in disbelief. 

"It's not that bad, I just don't like doing it. It takes up a lot of time. Time I don't have." You said. "I need help with my math homework, which is over there." You said, pointing to the paper. He picked it up, and looked at it. 

"This doesn't look so bad! What method are you supposed to be using?" He said, looking back up at you. 

"That's the problem! I don't know. I didn't learn any of this." You said, with a worried face. He muttered a few words, as he stared at the paper. He opened a few of your text books to look for the method, but couldn't find anything. 

"Why isn't it in any of your books?" He said, looking through the pages of your journals. 

"Probably because what we're learning is getting us ready for college, and these are all high school textbooks!" You said, realizing just how much time you spent looking through those books. 

Donnie continued to stare at the equations on the page, completely stumped. An hour had past, and Donnie hadn't gotten anywhere. You decided that it would be best to just look up the answer after a while, but Donnie wasn't going to allow it.

"Woah, woah, woah. Your not really going to look up the answer, are you? You can't do that! Otherwise math wins!" He said, throwing his arms around. 

"Donnie relax! It's alright. I'm just going to see how to solve the first one." You said, typing the equation in your phone. 

"Y/n! You can't just look it up. I have to figure it out!" He said, taking your phone and setting it on the desk. 

"Donnie, I'm pretty sure that you can't figure it out. We've been here for an hour and haven't gotten anywhere." You said, and he looked away from you and sat down. 

"I can do it. Just give me a second!" He yelled. You remembered that Donnie sometimes is a little insecure about his smarts, you figured it was best to comfort him, than to fight. 

"Donnie it's okay to not know the answer, okay? You are perfectly smart." You said, standing in front of him. 

"Really?" He said, almost in complete disbelief. 

"Yes, now let's get my homework done, so we can do something actually fun." You said, pulling it up on your phone. He laughed a little bit. 

"It is too fun. I should know, I'm the fun master." He said, and you laughed loud than you ever thought you could.


1153 words

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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