The Name that Gets Them the Most Flustered ❤️🧡💙💜

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Your pooky wooky

It may sound ridiculous, but it honestly flusters him the most

Anytime you call him that around his brothers, it gets him especially flustered

If you call him MY Pooky Wooky, then he will practically die

The fact of you calling him YOURS is just a dream

If you call him other silly names like my little boo bear or my little McDonald's mcgrittle, he will blush, so hard

You try to come up with a new one of these nicknames a day, but Pooky Wooky is the best one

You had his brothers vote on which one was the best


My Champion

What else would you call him

This gives him a huge ego, but yet he gets extremely flustered

This makes him really happy, when he's down

The fact that you see him as a champion, it makes him the happiest turtle on earth

This is one of the only times that he sometimes goes speechless, and it's so funny

Sometimes he gets really cocky, and flirts back

If he's really really sad, he'll ask you to call him that again, and it's so adorable 

"Can you call me a champion again, please? It makes me so happy." 


Your Genius 

He's a little insecure about if he's smart enough, or what he does is useful to the team or not

Hearing you think that you think he's a genius and that everything he does is absolutely brilliant makes him so happy

If he's especially sad about something and really wants to be praised, you'll call him this, and sometimes he cry's

He also loves this name because they usually come with forehead kisses

He sometimes asks to be praised and you always do. How couldn't you, he's so precious

"Sweetheart? Could you praise me please? I love hearing your sweet words of affirmation and your soft voice saying them to me."


My Hero

He the littlest of the group, so if you call him this it makes him feel like one

Sometimes he feels weak and small compared to his brothers, so you reassure him that he's amazing

"Mikey, I saw you throw a skyscraper, mid air! You are definitely strong."

He also loves it because it makes him feel like your his damsile in distress, but like in a good way

Your his princess/prince, and he loves feeling heroic 

He loves being praised for saving you, or just helping you reach a top shelf

"Here, let me help you get that." 

"My hero~ Mikey!"

*Passed out onto the floor after you called him that*


402 words

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