If They Accidentally Made You Cry | All 🌈

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You were heading into the lair, to meet the Raph for a movie night. Once you entered, you started to look for him, but you couldn't find him anywhere. You went ahead and looked in the dojo, because that's probably where he was. 

You opened the door, to see him playing wall ball by himself. When you opened the door, you startled him, and he wasn't able to hit the ball. It bounce off of the wall, passed Raph, and hit you right in the face. It moved so fast that it actually knocked you over some. 

You tried your best not too, but you ended up crying on the floor, and Raph rushed over to you, to make sure you were alright. 

"Oh God, are you okay, honey?" He said, looking at your face, making sure you weren't bleeding or anything like that. It did look like it hurt a lot.

You quietly said that you think you were fine, through your sniffles. Raph wiped the tears away, and hugged you close, holding you in his lap. 

"I'm sorry, honeybee. I'll make sure to be more careful next time. How about we go cuddle on the couch, and watch the movie?" He said. You nodded in response, and he picked you up, and headed to the living room. 


You were playing video games with Leo in his room. You heard a bunch of banging and loud noises coming from Donnie's lab, so you decided to ask about it. 

"Hey Leo, what's Donnie doing?" You asked him, as he started to set up a new game. 

"I don't know. He's probably doing something all mad scientist-y and all that stuff." He said, as he pressed start. In the middle of your game, you heard an extra loud bang, and the power suddenly went off.

"Oh, come on! I was just about to score! I can't believe the he broke a fuse again!" Leo said, upset. You all of a sudden got really stiff. You absolutely hated the dark, and not only hated, I mean feared it. "Come on, love. let's go have a chat with Donnie." He said getting up, but you didn't. 

"Ummm Leo, could we just stay here, and wait for him to fix it?" You asked, quietly. 

"Love, your acting like your afraid of the dark or something!" He said, chuckling a little bit. It was dark, so he couldn't see the tears streaming down your face. He couldn't even tell you were crying until he heard you sniffle. 

"Wait, love. Are you actually scared?" He said, sitting back down next to you. 

"Y-yes." You said, through your tears and sniffles. He reached over to you, and set you in his lap. Then he hugged you tightly. 

"I'm so sorry love. I didn't know you were really scared. We can stay right here if you like. I promise your safe. 


Donnie hadn't been seeing you recently. He's been working on a project, and it's been taking up a lot of time. It's taken a couple of weeks actually. You've texted him a couple of times. It takes him really long time to answer and when he does he just tells you he's busy. On top of it all, he wasn't even near done. 

Donnie had recently gotten to a rather, confusing and difficult part of his experiment, and was having trouble with it. He figured it as been a while, so until he figured out how to finish the project, he'd go and spend some time with you. He got his hoodie on, and headed over to your apartment.

It might've not had been the best time for him to come over because currently you were quietly crying, in your room. You missed Donnie so much, and you started to think that maybe, just maybe he didn't love you as much as you thought. That you weren't really his main priority. 

You heard a tap on your window, and turned around on your bed, to see Donnie waiting. The second he saw you his face turned from excited to concerted. He went ahead and opened the window himself and walked inside. 

"Darling, are you okay? What's wrong?" He asked, immediately rushing to your side, and wiping the tears away. The second he did, you sat you on your bed, and pulled him into a hug. 

"I missed you so much." You said, burying your face in his neck. He felt awful, that he made you feel this way. 

"Love, I didn't know you missed me so much, I didn't realize how long it has been. I'm so sorry. I guess I got a little carried away with my project. Do you want to cuddle for a little bit?" He asked. You nodded your head, and you both laid down, hold one another. 


You had been feeling a little down about your artistic skills, so you've been taking a lot of art classes with Mikey, and drawing with him a lot. You went over to the lair to draw again, with him. 

"Hey, Honeybee! You ready?" He said, laying on the floor, getting all of his pencils and paper. You nodded, and laid down with him. You both started to draw different things. You decided you would draw a horse. You didn't realize it, but right before you were done, Mikey looked over your shoulder, and saw your drawing.

"Awe, that's a cute donkey, baby." He said. You felt tears start to form in the corner of your eyes. You were never going to be a good artist, no matter how hard you tried. Think of how absolutely terrible your drawing was, you let it all out. You started cry intensely, trying to wip away your tears, and Mikey looked at you, worried.

"Sweet pea, what's wrong? Was it something I said?" He asked, hugging you, and helping you wipe away your tears. 

"It's not supposed to be a donkey, it's supposed to be a horse! It's not your fault you didn't know what it was, it's mine. It looks horrible." You said, hugging him back. 

"Awe love, it's alright. I promise you'll get better over time. And as of right now, I think your an amazing artist. I believe in you, Honeybee." 


1042 words

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Have a great day! 


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