Frenemy | Donnie 😈

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Request from xXGalaxy_CloudXx 

You and been working for Big mama for a long time now. You've tried to capture the turtles many times before, but were never able to. Eventually Donnie gets tired of constantly trying to fight you, so he decides to put an end to it once and for all by himself.



Donnie's POV

My brothers and I had just comeback from a fight with one of Big Mama's assistants, once again. We were all bruised and beaten up like we always were when he fought them. I didn't know how we always barely escape, but we somehow managed to. I'm so sick and tired of always having to go up against them.

We all decided to go ahead and bandage ourselves, and rest for the rest of the night. I however didn't really have any wounds to take care of, so I just headed over to my lab. I decided it might be a good idea to look them up, and maybe get a little research on them. 

I looked up The Battle Nexus Staff on their website and found them. It was weird seeing them on the website because they weren't wearing the mask they always wear. Of course their name was there, but otherwise I would've never guess this was them. 

I figured that they were probably still working, so I could probably see them on the cameras, if I hacked into them. I opened the cameras onto my monitor. It took a while, but I finally found them. 

I decided to go ahead and go find them. Maybe if I plan a sneak attack, then I'll finally be able to stop them. Then we wouldn't get beaten everytime we go over there. I rushed out so I wouldn't lose them and have to go looking though the cameras again, but forgot to tell my brothers. 

I went fairly fast, and I was there in about five minutes. On the security cameras I saw them on the roof. It looked like they were on break, so I figured they would be there for a while. I got to the roof of the hotel, and they were still there. 

I quickly and quietly rushed over to them in order to strick them with my bow, but they moved at the last second. I nearly fell off the building, but I felt them grab my wrist. I looked up to see them. They had caught me from falling. 

"Oh, it's one of you. What are you doing here, and how did you find me?" They said. I careful got back on top of the building, and regained my balance. 

"I was planning a sneak attack, but apparently that didn't work." I said, annoyed. "I can also hack into the security cameras." I said, feeling a little proud of himself. "Why did you save me?" I asked them. 

"I didn't even know who you were!" They said, it made me laugh a little bit. 

"Yeah, but you still could've let me fall, after you knew who I was." I said. 

"I mean your my only good competition. I mean I would beat all of your brothers if you weren't there. It would be to boring without you." They said, laughing a little bit, and then I chuckled at the compliment. 

"Your much nicer when you know, we're not fighting." I said, and they smiled. "What makes me better though?" I asked. 

"I mean obviously your the smart one." You said. 

"You would be correct. Now continue to meet my expectations." I said, slightly interrupting them. 

"And your tech makes fighting you way more fun." They said, It made me chuckle a little bit, that they thought that way. "I'm off work, If you wanna do something." They said. It made me so happy.

"Uh yeah, Id love to." I said, happily. Besides April this is kinda the first time I've ever made a somewhat friend before. 

"You like pizza? I know a really good place." They said. Scratch that, a definite friend. 

"Alright, let's get to it." They said, heading to the pizza place, and I followed them.

They weren't lieing, they really did know a good pizza place, it was amazing. We talked about a bunch of stuff, like our interests, and what our families were like. They even told me why they worked for big mama, and that they weren't really a bad person. 

"So I didn't really know what I was getting into, and I signed a contract. The only way I can leave is if she fires me." They said. It was nice knowing that they weren't actually bad. 

"Why don't you just do a horrible job at your job? Then won't she fire you?" I asked, they looked sad when I asked that. 

"Well I would, only if we do disobey her, there are huge consequences. I can't risk anything like that." They said, looking away. I took their hand in mine and looked into their eyes. 

"Hey, it's okay. I'll make sure nothing happens to you, alright? All you gotta do is mess a few things up, to where she'd get made, and I'll keep you safe." I said. They smiled at me. 

"Thank you, thank you so much. You don't know how terrible it's been working for her. I really don't want to hurt people. I've hated it every time I've done it. I'm so happy to get rid of her." They said, squeezing my hand. 

They looked so happy. The truth is, I really would do anything for them. I would do anything to keep them safe. I don't know why, I mean we kinda just met, but I really would. I really would. 


950 words

Sorry my oneshots are starting to get really short. I don't have writers block, for once, I just have no motivation to write really. I'm almost done with the requests I have, then I'll open requests back up. 

Thank you for reading!

Constructive criticism is always appreciated! 

Have a great day! Ye! 😈

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