What They do to Comfort You ❤️🧡💙💜💚

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♤ Hugs, cuddles, and forehead kisses are his specialty

♤ If you don't really like to be touched, then he will give you some space and verbally comfort you

♤ If you don't want to talk about what's nothing you, he'll just be there for you, and wipe your tears away

♤ He will always compliment you too

♤ "Sweetheart, I don't care what anyone said or did to you. You are the most precious thing on earth. Don't forget that."


◇ If you tell him who made you feel this way, he'll just roast them and tell you how pathetic they are for making you feel this way

◇ Wipes away and kisses away your tears, as he compliments you

◇ Makes you a pillow fort, and snuggles with you

◇ He definitely would have you spend the night there, that way he could hold you close, and comfort you if you have a nightmare, or just can't sleep

◇ If you need to get your mind off of it, then you both will have a movie marathon 

◇ He'll let you pick which movie series to watch, but always makes sure to let you know that Jupiter Jim is always on the table

◇ "I'll let you pick which one you want, but I know how much you like Jupiter Jim, so we could watch that. That is if you want to. But it's your decision, I'm just saying. You don't have too."


♧ He isn't the best a physical comfort, and perfers not to do it, but the truth is he would do absolutely anything for you, if it meant that you'd be happy

♧ If you do want physical touch, then he would of course hug you and give you kisses

♧ He'd also bring you a weighted blanket too, if you wanted one

♧ If you don't want to be touched, then he will comfort you verbally

♧ "My love, I can't believe you see yourself like that. Don't you know how absolutely precious you are?"

♧ One of the things he likes to do to comfort you, is letting you play Candy Crush on one of his monitors, while he does stuff on another

♧ Then you'd sit in his lap and he'd wrap an arm around you. It makes him so happy, especially when you get angry when you run out of moves


♡ They don't call him Dr. Feelings for nothing!

♡ By they I mean like literally only him

♡ Cuddles are a must

♡ He'll cuddle with you in his hammock, and it'll rock from side to side, calming you down

♡ (I keep forgetting he has a hammock, instead of a bed, LIKE HOW DO YOU NOT FALL OUT ALL THE TIME?!)

♡ If you feel like talking about it, he will turn it into a therapy session

♡ If you say someone made you feel upset, then he will go from Dr. Feelings to Dr. Delicate Touch so fast

♡ "Oh, and someone MADE you feel this way. I'll be right back, I'm just going to go commit arson real quick. Be back soon! Love you, my little Butterbean! Mwahhh."


☆ If she's working and you call her, to tell her your sad, she will quit her job and run to you as fast as possible

☆ She has done it many times before

☆ You'll tell her your fine, but she comes anyway

☆ If you both cuddle, she'll have you hold mayhem too

☆ He's really FLUFFY!

☆ "Here hold mayhem, it'll make you feel better."

☆ Takes you on a shopping spree, once you feel better


580 words

Sorry, I haven't been writing, lately. I'm on Thanksgiving break, and trying to find writing time. I'm also riding a new bus and it's more crowded. When I'm on the bus, is when I usually write, so I might not be updating as often as I would like. 

As always, thank you for reading

Constructive criticism is always appreciated 

Have a great day! Ye! ❤️🧡💙💜💚

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