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"Cause you see people,people,people
People don't really know you
They don't really know you(They don't really you.)
I have been drinking more alcohol for the past five days.
Did you check on me?"

"Why is this one listening to sad songs now??" Imade's elder sister, Amarachi, asked.

Imade remained quiet listening to Libianca's People while packing her things inside her Green medium size plastic box.

"Imade, we have talked about this. You're going to be alright,okay? Call me whenever you know I got you." Amarachi assured walking towards her to give her a hug.

"Plus stay away from that Nonso or whatever his stupid name is. If he comes to meet you again let me know or I Will call Fredrick, do you hear me?" Amarachi added sternly.

After the whole encounter with Nonso, Imade ran to her elder sister and told her everything and her sister being who she was, wanted to go and fight Nonso but Imade obviously didn't allow her.

For the past six months, Imade had been going from her sister and brother's house to school. She was scared Nonso might come back and hurt her again both physically and emotionally so she fled her apartment and immediately after classes she ran back to their house.

Avoiding absolutely everybody even Success and her friends. She also deleted her social media apps except Tik Tok.

Nobody had heard anything from her in months.

"Yes,Thank you." She thanked lowly and Amarachi smiled nodding her head.

"Lydia and Lara are in the parlor." Amarachi informed backing away.

"Why?" She asked with her facial expression turning from sad to annoyed.

"Chill, they were worried about you so they reached out to me even Micheal." Amarachi answered referring to London.

"I will excuse you guys." Amarachi said leaving the room as Lydia and Lara entered the room.

Imade just sat at the edge of her bed playing with her bracelet.

"Hi." Lydia and Lara said in unison taking a seat on her right and left hand side.

"How have you been?" Lydia asked and Lara sighed when Imade didn't still say a word.

"Imade, You have every right to be angry with us because we have been bad friends. We didn't check up on you as much, we weren't there for you and even till now we barely know what happened to you and that doesn't speak well on our friendship." Lara stated lowly.

"She's right...Until we heard rumours of you drinking hypo before we actually thought to actually come see you even London had been pressing me to find you since he's busy. Everybody was too busy for you and completely abandoned you until shit got real and that's not right."Lydia added and Imade's eyes watered listened to them.

"I'm sorry, we are sorry." Lara said and Lydia said the same holding her hands.

"You know I love and care about you so much because you make sure you're there for everybody and show love to everyone with all your heart...You love hard and I respect you for real...Please don't push us away and just let us know what happened." Lydia said with her tears in her eyes.

Lydia and Imade were emotional people especially Imade while Lara had the emotions of a man, she barely cried.

"It's...a lot. I understand everybody is busy and I'm sorry...Ion even know who spread the stupid gist that I drank hypo..I haven't even seen hypo in a zillion years.." She tried to lighten the mood and they smiled sadly.

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