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"I'm here to support you, Imade," began Miss Veronica, her voice soft yet steady. "It's important for us to understand your feelings about his passing so we can navigate this together."

Imade's eyes filled with tears, and she shook her head, unable to meet her therapist's gaze.

Taking a deep, shaky breath, she whispered, "Everything is my fault. I'm the reason he's dead."

Miss Veronica tilted her head slightly, her brow furrowing in empathy. "Why do you say that?"

"If... if I hadn't gone out with my friend, London, that night, he wouldn't have been so angry. And if I hadn't snapped at him, called him useless... he wouldn't have hurt me. He said he loved me, and I believed him. He was my first love... and now, people are saying he's gone because of my stupid mistakes."

As Imade's voice cracked, Miss Veronica reached out, placing a comforting hand on hers. "It's not your fault—"

"But it is! If I'd stopped my brother, Fredrick, he wouldn't have... Fredrick even denies doing it. Everything's such a mess. I just... I want it all to end." Her voice broke, tears streaming down her face.

Miss Veronica's expression shifted to one of alarm. "Imade, your safety and well-being are my top priority. Let's talk about how you're feeling, okay? You don't have to go through this alone."


"Are you okay?" Happiness asked Imade handing her a bottle of water. Imade simply nodded thanking her.

"I swear you ate. But let's do one more." Victor, Happiness' Boyfriend, stated and Imade internally groaned.

"Just one more because I'm tired." She replied softly adjusting her pink joggers.

Victor saw Imade's sneakers page so he ordered sneakers. After ordering, he asked if they could meet and Imade was quite skeptical about it but Angie accompanied her and it was also on campus. Victor had asked her if she was interested in modelling for his clothing brand where it will seem like their brands collaborated.

With Imade being shy and dealing with a lot, she wanted to refuse so bad and nonw of her friends even tried to convince nor pressure because she had a lot on plate. But after her therapy session, she felt a weight being left off her shoulders so she decided to do it.

 But after her therapy session, she felt a weight being left off her shoulders so she decided to do it

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"Thank you so much." Victor thanked after another dozen of pictures later. He showed Imade a few and she thought you looked real pretty.

"Should we drop you off at Campus?" Happiness asked her.

Happiness had been really nice to her especially as she was Victor's girlfriend she was hundred percent supportive, she also modelled too and ensured everything was in order.

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