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"Diran!" Diran watched Farida approach him from afar with tears welled up in her eyes and looking like a mess, tying a wrapper around her chest and her hair in a rough all back.

Diran rolled his eyes rising to his feet, he strongly believed she was like this because she found out Nonso was cheating on her but it was quite the contrary. He excused himself leaving his plate of Ofada Rice and can of Maltina, going to tend to the lady in distress.

"What's up?" He inquired and just like an African mum, Farida fell on the floor opening her legs wide crying loudly. Her caramel skin even turned red and veins popped on her forehead.

Students who were headed to the canteen stared at her gossiping amongst themselves. Diran became extremely worried, he bent down to her level and said,

"Farida, What's going on? What happened? Where's Nonso?" At the mention of Nonso's name, she sobbed loudly.

"Diran they have killed him. Nonso is dead." Diran froze in his spot blinking repeatedly. He suddenly remembered the last time he saw Nonso...it was then the two had gone out to purchase a gun.

"Nah...Farida. don't even play like that. Where's he?" Farida cleaned her face and ran her hand across her face.

"They announced on the news that they had found a body under the bridge and the description matches Nonso. Since we all haven't heard in months, I reached out to his father and filled him in. His useless father sent someone to confirm if it was Nonso and  I went ahead to stay at his father's house while waiting for the person to come back and update us. The woman came back in agony saying it was indeed the young boy she had raised, he was shot in his chest and private part. Who would do such to him?? I know he was a bad person but why? Why did they have to snatch his life from him so soon?" The tears streamed out of her eyes freely and Diran who was in a state of shock, sadness and pain bent down to comfort her.

"It's okay....I will take of it. I will handle it." The thoughts of Revange settled in his soul and he knew for sure that Nonso had gone to attack Imade that night.

So it was no one else but her.

Farida wanted to tell Diran to let it all go and just bury Nonso quietly and peacefully but she was emotionally and physically drained. She knew if Diran decided to get revenge he would also be in the same predicament, Diran knew that as well, so he kept debating on his next move.

Memories of their time with Nonso flashed through their minds like a short clip video...that was when Diran knew he had to do what he had to do. And ensure the world heard the songs Nonso had worked hard for even though it was after he had passed on.


I was dressed in a yellow custom design hoddie written Ravers on it. I had pleaded with London, wait why am I calling him London when to me he's always going to my fine bestie, Micheal. Anyhow I pleaded with him and Crayon to help me with it the idea. Crayon who is always so supportive when it comes to anything with my man, jumped to help. I had also designed one of his old white sneakers since I didn't have the funds to purchase an original Nike Airforce and my man don't be wearing fake.. at least not anymore.

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