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Miss Veronica's Office.

Imade walked into Miss Veronica's comfortable office, taking her usual seat on the couch. She seemed more lively than the last time she was there, her eyes shining with a hint of excitement.

"Imade, it's good to see you. How have you been since our last session?" Miss Veronica inquired, her eyes studying Imade carefully.

Imade took a deep breath, smiling shyly. "I've... I've been seeing someone."

Miss Veronica raised an eyebrow, curious. "Oh? Tell me more."

"His name is Divine. " Imade began, a small smile playing on her lips. "He is an artiste. He's been so kind to me, Miss Veronica. He bought me flowers, took me to this amazing restaurant... and most importantly, he listened. He listened when I told him about my past, about my ex."

Miss Veronica nodded, her gaze softening. "It sounds like he's made a positive impact on your life."

Imade played with her fingers, her voice just above a whisper. "I think... I think I might be falling in love with him."

Miss Veronica leaned forward, her eyes searching Imade's. "Love can be a beautiful thing, Imade. But given everything you've been through recently, it's also important to make sure you're not rushing into anything. How do you feel about this new relationship?"

"I feel happy," Imade replied, her voice confident. "He makes me feel special and valued. But... I also fear I might be moving too quickly."

Miss Veronica nodded in understanding. "It's natural to have those fears, especially after what you've experienced. But remember, every relationship and every person is different. The most important thing is to communicate with Divine, let him know your feelings and fears. Take things one step at a time and ensure you're comfortable at each stage."

Imade nodded, her fingers still twirling the fabric of her shirt. "Thank you, Miss Veronica. I'll remember that."

"But what if he officially asks me to be his girlfriend?" Imade quickly asked. She didn't want to hurt his feelings at all with the confusion she was facing.

Miss Veronica leaned back in her seat considering the question. "How would you feel about that?"

Imade hesitated, searching for the right words. She smiled at the thought of being his girl. I mean she wasn't even dating him yet and the shower of love and care he had poured on her was surprising.

"I... I'd be honored. He's kind, talented, and understanding. But I'm scared of rushing and ending up hurt again."

Miss Veronica nodded thoughtfully. "Relationships are a journey, Imade. They require trust, communication, and mutual respect. If Divine truly values and cares for you, he will understand the need for taking things slowly, especially given what you've been through."

Imade bit the inside of her bottom lip, her eyes shining. "And what if he doesn't want to wait?"

Miss Veronica responded gently, "Then it's crucial to consider if he truly has your best interests at heart. A relationship built on mutual respect means both partners are willing to listen to each other's needs and boundaries."

Imade took a deep breath, absorbing the advice. "Thank you, Miss Veronica. It helps to talk about it."

Miss Veronica smiled warmly, "Always remember, Imade, your feelings and well-being are valid and important. Whatever decision you make, ensure it's one that brings you peace and happiness."

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