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"Heyy." Success waved at Imade who was waiting for keke to arrive in front of their department.

"Hi, how have you been? How is Jessica? " Imade asked genuinely worried about the both of them.

The night Success called Imade to come to the hospital, London had driven her there. Imade had comforted Success and the next day when she was coming to see her, Success told her not to. Then blocked her number from calling and chatting her up.

"Don't act like you care..I can't believe you were one of the reasons Nonso put his hands on Jessica." Imade furrowed her eyebrow in confusion.

"Excuse me?"

"Excuse you where? You want to ask holier than thou when you were fucking my sister's boyfriend and also spread fake news about her. You knew Nonso had anger issues and you triggered it so he will kill my sister." Success spat and Imade couldn't believe what was coming out of her mouth.

Am I dreaming? She asked herself.

"What? Cat got you tongue." Success slightly pushed her back and Imade's state of shock dispassed.

"Success...I really do not want to fight you because you know everything you just spat are lies. I advic---"

"Advice me to what?? You guys come and see something..." She shouted and a few students who were standing, buying something or just discussing with their friends turned to look at them.

"This girl here spreads lies about her fellow woman just so she could fuck the woman's boyfriend....Hehehe, and she's also the reason behind the passing of our senior who was murdered." Success shouted accusingly.While some people just stared gossiping among each other and others recorded.

"I knew she was a hoe." Somebody yelled and everyone mumbled among each other.

"You guys see Nimi..." Everybody turned around seeing Nimi and one of her coursemates walking towards Success.  Success and Nimi smirked at each other.

Imade's leg bounced and she bit her lip debating within herself if she should burst out or not. As she brought out her phone to call a ride, Success slapped the phone out of her hand.

"The fuck is your problem?" Imade snapped and the people got excited for the drama.

"You know all you've been spitting are all lies." She repeated in order to emphasize then continued.
"..and the fact that you think you can embarrass me is appalling. I have been nothing but good to you and never for once did I instigate anything that happened between Nonso and---"

"Imade give it up with these your lies...Like everyone knows you're manipulative after you tried to kill yourself just cause you wanted Nonso's attention. Like Bitch who you tryna fool?" Success cut her off before she mentioned Jessica's name.

"Awww, you want to cry?" Nimi taunted from afar and Imade slowly picked up her phone not saying a word.

As she bent down, Success used her leg to kick the phone further.

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