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"Both of us, we locked in...No blocking, no ghosting, because you can't even run away from me. Just talk to me like this, okay?"


"How was your class?"

The two were now on a call as Imade was coming back from her three to six class.

"Fine...I'm currently on my way back to my apartment." She told him adjusting her headphones on her ear properly. She brought out her wallet which was in her black tote bag in order to buy Doughnut or meatpie with drink before she faints.

"Have you eaten?" He asked and she pursed her lips rubbing her almost dry lips together.

"I'm about to....Have you checked the gifts now?" She changed the topic knowing he would be annoyed if she hadn't eaten.

"You don't know how much I appreciate the gifts and you coming out last night. Thank you baby." Her heart fluttered and a smile grew on her face.

"You're welcome." Anybody who saw her walking on the streets alone smiling will look at her weird. If only they knew.

"I'm about to buy snacks, I will call you when I reach my apartment." She said and he nodded like she could see him. They exchanged goodbyes and she hung up.

She exhaled with a smile on face entering the small bakery, Amare Bakes, she was so in love with their doughnut. She was a regular.

"Welcome babe, your regular ba?" One of the ladies who was training in the store asked Imade as they were all familiar with her.

"Yup and Plus can I get Nutri Milk or Hollandia?" She asked and the lady nodded typing her order on the system.

She was no longer taking carbonated drinks as it wasn't part of their meal plan.

"Please you will have to wait for about 10 minutes as we are just bringing it from the fire." She said to her. Imade nodded going to sit down.

She unlocked her phone going through her messages,

I barely see you...
Can I come around? I will bring Ice-cream.

He tried to convince her which made her smile. He was her best friend and knew that he was going to get busy soon so she replied,

I don't have class tomorrow.
So I will come and see you.

Bad Bitches👅❤️

Ella where u at? Let's go and disturb Imade!

Ella boo😌❤️
Ooop. I have a date tonight.
You really need to get a man or something.
Ohhh...you do.

I swear if I see you...you know what..
Fuck you!!

Imade laughed at Ella's shade. She just knew Angie will come for Ella as soon as they see in person. She replied simply,


Imade continued replying messages and viewing status that she didn't notice a group of girls were staring at her and now decided to approach her.

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