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Imade was in awe since they landed, the vehicles already waiting for them at the airport. Divine held her hand and kept questioning her,asking if she was alright. She was in love with how affectionate he was being, as soon as he stared at her, he gave a kiss or rubbed her arm. Even the way he looked at her with loving eyes had her heart heavy.

Divine had checked them into the suite in the Twelve Apostles Hotels and Spa, she took note that they were only staying for a night. She didn't really mind as she couldn't wait to give Amarachi all these tea in person. The bellhop helped with their luggages, Divine held Imade tightly obviously nervous about her reaction. People couldn't help but wonder who had just arrived as there were security behind them and another woman who Divine had hired to make Imade's day as perfect as it could be.

"Are you okay?" She asked softly muffled into the black nose mask Divine had given her. He nodded in response giving her a reassuring smile under his mask.

They soon arrived at the floor of their suite, and the lady Divine had hired, Naledi, who was beautiful dark skinned woman, looking in her thirties and had South African women thick physical features.

"Happy Birthday, Imade. I'm Naledi. Mr Divine's assistant in Nigeria had contacted me to assist your man here, how has Capetown been so far?" Naledi asked and Imade paused searching her mind.

"It's been so beautiful. Nice to meet you." She replied and Naledi nodded politely.

"You have an assistant?" She whispered in his ear and he nodded small dragging down his mask to reply.

"Yeah..I don't really be needing her except during travels, tours and allat. Ella is already a slightly paid assistant." Divine answered and Imade chuckled softly.

The door to the suite opened and Imade was let in, Divine and Naledi began to record walking behind her. She covered her her mouth looking at the gifts around the room diverting her attention to the bunch of gifts from brands such as Hermes, Ysl, Nike, Apple, and Chanel. The Hermes book contained a Hermes Birkin Bag, Ysl Box contained their luxurious heels, Nike box contained a clean white Sneakers, Apple product was their headphones and lastly a Chanel Shoulder bag.

Stormzy's Birthday Girl was playing on repeat and Imade was beginning to feel overwhelmed but it was just the beginning. She turned around and without uttering a words she pressed her lips against Divine's.

"Thank you so much baby." She whispered a few inches away from him.

"No more thank you, alright? Do you want to open them now?" She looked around the room seeing Naledi and one of the guards standing there.

"Later." He nodded in understanding then turned around and discussed with Naledi, the two talked walking out of the room.

"I will be right back, babygirl. I have to get something, you will be alright yeah?" He asked then licked his bottom lip.

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