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"It's your baby."


"My baby." Amarachi hugged Imade tight as soon as she opened the door for you.

"I missed youuu." Amarachi added and Imade smiled wrapping her arms around her as they swayed back and forth.

"I missed you more." Imade stated and Amarachi let her go.

"Why are you about to cry?" Imade frowned  noticing her sister's eyes watering.

"Nothing..." She fanned her eyes and said," I'm just happy to see you and I'm happy to see you happy. Like you're just glowing."

"Yeah...I am really happy and my skin is glowing cause you know I told you my friends bought me the skincare products." Imade gisted her as they both headed towards the kitchen.

They were currently at Frederick's house. Amarachi basically lived here and Imade knew she was welcome anytime. It is her brother's house, so she planned to take a bunch of things back with her.

"Hmmmm...so who is this Divine that's making you happy like this?" Amarachi wiggled her eyebrow tasting the jollof rice she was making.

"How do you even remember his name?" Imade sat Down on the dining chairs.

"He's...." She trailed off thinking who he was to her. He hadn't officially made her his girl and after what happened the other night, they couldn't just be friends.

"He is someone." She pursed her lips as Amarachi analysed her.

"Let me his picture." Amarachi asked and Imade made a yikes face.

"Don't para o." She warned before handing Amarachi her phone. Amarachi's eyes instantly went wide as she looked at a 5 seconds of video of Divine kissing Imade's cheek.

"Obara Jesus!" Amarachi exclaimed, Imade laughed nervously.

"Rema is who you're calling Divine?....Wowwww." Amarachi's astonished facial expression made Imade laugh.

"Gist me how, when, where it started." Imade began to give her full details of when they met in March. Amarachi smiled as Imade grinned and her glint of love in her eyes as she talked about Divine.

"Awwww....You're in love." Amarachi teased using her finger to poke her.

"We've been telling each other, 'I love you' and doing everything couples do." Amarachi's smile faded and Imade bit her lip regretting her words.

"So y'all are doing everything couples do and yet he hasn't cuffed you? Imade, this guy is playing you." Amarachi concluded.

"I was the one who told him I wasn't ready for a relationship."


"Because I was struggling with everything. Getting nightmares, healing from Nonso's you know...and death. It was a lot but Divine was and is still my happy place and I love him." Amarachi looked at her for a second then stood to check the rice again.

"Back to you, I know you've been seeing someone." Imade stated to lighten up the mood.

Exhaling with a small smile creeping on her face, "I think he wants to propose."

Loving Hard|A REMA FANFICTION.Where stories live. Discover now