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"I hate Nonso with everything in me."

The next day.

(A/N-I changed the face claim for Jessica!)

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(A/N-I changed the face claim for Jessica!)

"I'm going to school." Success said as I laid down on my bed pretending like I was sleeping.

"Are you okay?" I heard her footstep coming closer to me.

"Jessica, I know you're not sleeping. Are you sure you're okay? I know hearing about Nonso's----"

"I'm okay Success! Damn." I snapped cutting her off. I threw my blanket to the side heading to the bathroom.

"I'm just making sure you're okay! I need money sha." She yelled after me and I sucked my teeth stopping in my tracks.

I headed towards my drawer and brought out a wand of money. I handed 5,000 naira because at the end of the day she was only using the money for her transport and flex.

"Thank you." She stated with an attitude and headed straight to the door. She looked back at me and said, "I just want you to be okay that's all."

"I know." I felt guilty because I have been treating her badly after my recovery and now with this news. Plus last night, I acted like a complete hoe and embarrassed myself.

I stretched out my hand and we engaged in a much needed embrace.

"Everything is going to be okay, you hear?" She said and I smiled small nodding my head.

"Now head to your class before you run late." I instructed and she smiled leaving the room after bidding me goodbye.

After she left, I invited my friend, Khloe over and went to shower. I sighed looking at myself in the mirror.

I hate Nonso with everything in me. I said to myself because he had scared me so much and now look at what I am doing with my life to make sure my sister and I had something to eat.

"So chill chill, you gave Rema a lap dance and he sprayed you money that one is normal as per that's your job... but then you invited him over and he declined?" She ran down the story I just told her and she made a yikes face.

 but then you invited him over and he declined?" She ran down the story I just told her and she made a yikes face

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