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"You're so beautiful"


"Yooo.." Imade's new friend, Vincent, rang through her phone's speakers as she sat on the dinning table doing an assignment.

Vincent had approached her after the situation with Success and tried his possible best to become closer to her.

"Hey." She said lowly. She was not in the mood for anybody or anything right now. Lydia and Lara were in the room creating contents with Maliya and some of their other friends. They had answered with an attitude when she said 'Hi' and she wondered why.

"You good?" He asked sounding genuinely concerned..

"Yeah...You called about the assignment right?" She asked and he rolled his eyes like she could see him.

"You're acting like that's the only reason I talk to you." He stated and she smiled a little.

"Guilt conscience..I never said that."

"Whatever.. What are you doing? Where are you?" He questioned and she rubbed her moisturised lips together.

"I'm in my apartment writing the assignment." He laughed and she just knew why.

"You're so boringgggg.." He mimicked that Tik Tok sound and she sucked her teeth smiling.

"Leave it for me. My friends are busy and I have work to com--"

"Blah, blah..Let's go to this party tonight." He cut her off.

"Nuh-uh...I'on know you like that so I won't be comfortable." He smacked his lips loud enough for her to hear.

"Understable but I promise I will make sure you're comfortable." He tried to convince her.

"I will text you my decision." She stated and he smiled.

"Oya naw...party starts by 8..so." She thought and looked at the time which was currently 7:34.

"Aiit." She said simply then ended the call. She continued her assignment then stopped abruptly. Picking up her phone She checked if he had replied her.


Did you arrive already?? 4:20pm.

Are you still coming around tonight?7:15pm.

He hadn't replied her mind so she knew for sure he wasn't coming. Debating within herself she muttered "fuck it" and sent Vincent a text.



"Fine girl, How far?" Vincent hugged her as soon as she came down of the Uber.

She wore a faded blue boyfriend jeans and a tight single handed black crop top. Her jacket was a slightly faded denim, and she had accessorized with a butterfly silver necklace. Her shoes were pure white Airforce1s, embellished with a sparkling pink star that she had carefully painted herself.

"I'm fine..hi." She replied shyly flipping her long all-back Ghana weaving braids which she had carefully laid her baby hair. She was looking beautiful though she didn't feel it. She felt like she needed to be told she was pretty by another person to feel validated.

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