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"You know what?" She began,raising her head up from his bare chest.

"What baby?" He responded licking his bottom lips while keeping his gaze on her and slowly caressing her arm soothingly.

"I'm done letting him have so much effect on me. It's draining and it's affecting what we have here. I can't keep wasting my brother's money on just trying to ensure that I'm alright mentally. I'm done, I'm done." She stood up from the bed and spoke with finality.

"It's time to focus on me...on us. I love you and I'm done being scared. You mean so much to me and I want to be loved by you." She stared at him with utmost sincerity.

He kept his gaze on her sitting at the edge of the bed without uttering a word. Her heart rate picked up thinking she probably looked dumb just pouring out her heart to him who might not be into her as deep as she was.

"Come here." He stretched out his hand and she looked at it with uncertainty.

"Aye! What did you just say now?" She rubbed her lips together taking his hand. He pulled her so she was now straddling him.

"All those oats and protein shakes really been working. Look at this ass getting fatter." He cupped it in his hands giving it a soft squeeze then smacking it roughly.

She gasped looking at him with wide eyes. He looked at her with pure amusement while she looked away smiling shyly.

"You really think so?" She whispered in his ear and he laughed.

"Mmmhmm...Skin glowing, body has always been bodying." His eyes raked through her body, she wore a black little night gown she had surprisingly met in his mansion.

She was scared at first thinking he had a female around here but she saw a small card from Ella who told her to try and not the nasty with this.

She made eye contact with him and like magnet she attached her lips to his. His hands were still on her ass giving it a tight squeeze which turned her on like crazy.

"Chill...we need to talk." He broke the slow intense make out session and she pouted.

"Talk?" She questioned then pecked his lips. He noticed her look of lust as she gazed on him but he ignored it.

"Yes babygirl." He said sternly and she stopped running her hands on his chest moving off his lap.

"Okay." He chuckled lowly at how pouty and frustrated she was. But he was trying to build a healthy relationship with her and that involved communication.

"What were you on the day?" He questioned putting her legs on his lap.

"Which day?" She tried to play dumb but just one serious look from him, she internally groaned feeling embarrassed that they had to have this conversation.

"I was on demon time." She joked winking at him. He sucked his teeth and she giggled at his facial expression.

"I know for sure you were on demon time. But I want to know what was going through your mind. Why did you just up and do that?"

"It's so embarrassing." She shook her head and without waiting for his response, she continued," I wanted to let you know there should be a reason you shouldn't go for other girls. Just like with Nonso, I wanted to give you good head to keep you running to me. It makes no sense, I know but..." She trailed off just gathering her words.

"There are other prettier, thicker girls that would be in your sheets at the snap of a finger, so..sometimes when I try to make sexual advances and you dead it, the thoughts of you already having sex with Nimi or other girls creep in. It's not your fault, it's my insecurities and I will work on it. For me..and for us." She expressed and he nodded slowly taking everything in.

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