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"You just saying that because it's about you."


"Stop." He chuckled as Nimi just kept poking his bare chest.

"OMG! I'm making you smile." She gushed moving from her side on his bed to straddling him.

"I love you so much, do you know? I love how much you spoil me..I love how you check up on me even when you are busy though you don't that anymore." She rolled her eyes at the last part.

"The album is ready to drop..So I'm getting everything in order.."He explained sitting up and holding her waist.

"Mhmh? Because I was thinking maybe there's a girl that you prolly like." She pointed and he pursed his lips looking away from her for a second.

"What?" She laughed at his reaction. "I was just a thought, you'on have to be dramatic about it."

"Or there is someone you like?" Her smile vanished as he hadn't said a word.


"You know what." She cut herself off laughing humourlessly. "It doesn't even matter because you belong to me."

"I belong to you?? Stop playing Nimi." He laughed trying to stand up but she didn't let him.

"Yes, you are mine naw. I'm the only one for you and you're the only one for me." She said giving him a kiss on his lips.

"I don hear. Can I go to the bathroom now?? Or you won't still let me?" It sounded like he was playing but he was serious.

"Why?? You already used the bathroom earlier--"

"Honestly, what's your problem??" He cut her off pushing her off of him.

"No what is your own problem? You act like you don't want to be around me, you don't call nor text me, you come home late, you're also trying to tell me now that you like a girl?? Rema, don't fucking play with me!" She snapped following behind him as walked out the room.

"Plus I've been waiting for your dumbass to make things official between us again but every fucking thing is your album this,your album that... I'm so sure it's basically that girl you're talking about all along" She continued as he entered the kitchen.

"You're not answering nor listening to me anymore?" She looked like she was about to cry.

"I don't want this anymore...I don't want to be In a relationship with you anymore..I don't want you to wait in MY house for me anymore. I don't want someone who adds to my stress and doesn't give a shit about me.  I don't want a girl like you who is in it for the fame or what I can do for her. I can't do this no more." He snapped which surprised her.

"You..you can't be serious.. Baby please tell me you're pla..ying." She stammered after a moment of silence.

She was shocked and knew he truly meant what he said.

"Dead ass. Pack your stuff and just leave." He grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge then looked up the stairs seeing Crayon looking at him and they communicated with their eyes.

He was shocked Crayon was even in his house.

"Babe, I'm sorry. I swear I will do better ....I swear anything you want me to do, I'm going to do. Just don't end this..I love--:

"You don't love me Nimi and you know it." He cut her off sounding calm but the hurting could be heard.

"I do, I swear I do. I will change....I promise. I...ummm...I will cook for you, I will what else...I will do anything just don't be like this...Why are you hurting me?" She cried and he sighed running his hands around his face.

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