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I felt someone tap my shoulder repeatedly and I lazily pushed whoever it was, getting comfortable in my seat leaning my head on the window.

"Wo, Aunty. Ati de Ibadan o!" The sound of the man snapped me out of my slumber. I jerked up remembering I was in the bus going to Ibadan. Two hours later and we had already arrived, I cleaned my eyes with the back of my hand.
(See Aunty. We have reached Ibadan).

I was baffled finding out all of the passengers had already left and were busy grabbing their luggages, I was certain some had already even reached their houses.

"Oh..thank you sir." I said to the driver and he looked at me with an annoyed expression. Maybe it was intensity of the sun or just thinking about his life, but his anger was on ten.

I glanced at my watch and realized it was currently 4 in the afternoon and my phone was switched off, just like I wanted it. My mum nor siblings nor Divine knew I had boarded the next vehicle going to Ibadan.

I was weak and I knew I had to protect them in a way. Which is why hiding in Ibadan will be the best until I gained the courage to confront Diran and tell him off even if it meant me passing away.

"Thank you." I thanked the man who helped me bring a single small box I had packed. I had just stolen Lydia's box rather than having to ask Divine's driver for mine.

I let out a breath and stared around the rowdy Ibadan. After walking a short distance,  I arrived in front of the park at Challenge where bunch of Okadas were moving left and right, rather than hailing for one. I decided to turn on my phone and announce my presence to my mum.

Switching on my phone, I got a bunch of messages from my siblings, friends and man wishing me a safe trip to London. I blinked repeatedly to prevent myself from crying. After all I was doing it for their safety.

"Hello." I smiled as soon as my mum picked up.

"My baby, how are you?" Her strong igbo accent rang through the speakers. I observed that her surroundings were rather noisy almost as if she was in the market or...

"I'm fine mummy, how are you? Are you home?"

"I'm good. No, I travelled to Contonou for a few days to get a few things for the shop. Kedu ka ị mere?" She asked and I sighed deeply.

"I came to Ibadan to surprise you but now I'm the one surprised." She laughed heartily making me roll my eyes.

"Come home since, no. Anyways just stay at your aunty Joyce's place since no one is at home and I took the keys." I shook my head at the sound of my aunty from my dad's side name.

"I will find somewhere and let you know." She had already began to talk to someone else so I just hung up.

Where do I go?

I concluded that staying in a hotel not to far from here will be the best. So Metro Hotel it is, I ordered bolt and got in.

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