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"My baby....My babygirl, my lofff..."


"D stop...." She giggled as he repeated kissed her face.

"I missed you so much." He grinned just staring at her and She blushed giving him a quick peck on the lips.

"I missed you too." She pouted snuggling into his chest.

It had been a few weeks and Divine had travelled to Atlanta to complete a song he was working on with a producer named, Stany. It saddened both of them that as soon as they started dating a lot of things got in the way. Such as exams, work and travelling around.

"Mmmm..." She hummed in satisfaction as their lips moved on sync. He cupped her ass and she let out a moan. He inserted his tongue not breaking the kiss.

She moaned in pleasure as he changed positions and was now hovering over her. He started leaving hickeys on her neck and used one of his hands to caress her body.

"Baby.." She whispered and he smiled just looking at her....But unlike what he would like, he decided to not go as far as they both would like.

"What?" She asked as he just stopped and placed a soft kiss on her forehead.

"What?" He teased with a smirk sitting at the edge of the bed.

She didn't say a word...she stood up and opened her small duffle bag which she had packed three days worth clothes in order to enjoy the next days with her Mann..

"What's with the attitude? Mmm? Tell Daddy what you want..." Her back was facing him so he couldn't see the tiny smile on her face.

"My baby....My babygirl, my lofff..." He wrapped his arms around her waist saying each with a peck on the side of her face.

"I'm not your loff please..." She knew he meant my love but she felt like playing. She was trying to hide the fact that she felt if he wasn't getting sex from her, then one of his groupies was giving it to him.

Like...it is Rema...He has girls left and right.

"Let me go and get dressed." She tried to pull away for his arms around her waist but he didn't move. He just closed his eyes with his head on her shoulder.

"Are you good?" She asked him and he nodded.

"I just want to be with my girl." She knew he loved physical touch but a negative thought creeped in.

Buttttt...he could be all clingy cause he feels bad for cheating on you with some fine ass girl.

He noticed a change in her demeanor making him frown. "What? "

"Nothing." She cleared her throat avoiding eye contact knowing damn well he could read her.

"You sure?"

"Yeah...we will be late to the event." She quickly changed the topic. They were heading to the opening of the very first Nike Store in Lagos. Divine was invited and so he was taking her with him.

"I'm not going with you right?" She asked and he looked at like she had two heads.

"What are you saying?"

"I just asked because you know...you're a private guy and you obviously don't want people to know about us." She pointed out hoping his next words would be something like, "Fuck that" or "I don't care about allat.."

But on the contrary he replied, "Ohhh...I would handle that..Some of my friends and other influencers will be there so we will just be among them."

She simply nodded and took a clean new towel heading into the bathroom. She shut the door behind her exhaling shakily.

Loving Hard|A REMA FANFICTION.Where stories live. Discover now