Chapter 1

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Freen's pov

  It's my first day of becoming a CEO in my father's company, actually i didn't agree to it at first but I can't refuse to my father. I texted Nam, my best friend that I'll be showing her around the area of my company because I'm bored..

Freen🐰: P'Nammm!! I need youuu!! Rn! Im at my dad's company, well, its mine now i think? Hurry upp!!

P'nam: Ok!! Ok! I'll be right there in a jiffy hon!! Did ya invite the others too??

Freen🐰: ohshh I didn't sorry, i'll just chat'em. See ya P'nam!

P'nam: Alright freen! On my way!

Goshh I'm half excited and half nervous because I'm scared if some of the employee might have some attitude thingy or something??...
Im waiting in the entrance of the building for P'nam to arrive.. a minute later, I already saw a familiar car parked in front of me, and there I saw the 5weeks Pregnant Lady getting out of her husband's car. Yes, P'nam is 5weeks pregnant already.. and I'm going to spoil her baby soo muchh ;)).
"P'namm!!" I said running towards her and kneel down to her smooll baby bump, "how are you, princess?? I'm your Rich Auntie Freen, did mommy fed you well?" I heard P'nam chuckled. "Are you sure you don't want to meet her beautiful mother" she said. "Oh hii p'nam! How r you?" I said rolling my eyes at her, and she just laugh. "Come on, I'll show ya the cafeteria, and oh! Who drove you here? Where's that husband of yours??" I said leading the way to the entrance of the building "oh, I asked mike to drive me here using my husband's car, he's on a 5-day business trip" P'nam said while I prepare a sit for her in the cafeteria, "ohh okeyy, do ya want me to take care of ya two? I'm not really busy anyways.." i said and asked for the menu. "Yes, thankyou Freen, but you don't have to, you know?, its not like I can't take care of myself, and the baby isn't really fully grown inside me.. so it wont be any trouble at all.." she said and i just smiled.. I noticed that there is someone behind me, and I slowly turned my head backwards "WAHHH!!" "HOLY SHI— what the hell???" Its P'tee and P'Heng "HAHAHAH you should've seen your face Freen!! HAHHA" P'tee said laughing at me and P'Heng just joined her laugh, P'nam just looked at them shooking her head and chuckled. "Owww come on phii' s don't scare me like thatt!!" I said and pointed at the two empty seats beside me.. "we're sorry Freen, but when was the last time we scared you like that?" P'heng said taking a sit beside me "oh idk?" I said giving him the menu "you all can order anything, my treat" i said "YESS! That's our Freeniee!!" "Thankyou sooo muchh nongg!!" "Thankyouu Freen!!" They all said in chorus. I just smiled at them and asked if i can call the waiter now...
They all requested their orders and stayed silent for a while. "Why are you three silent?" I said "I'm getting engaged Nong" P'Tee said and we then Looked at her in surprised " Really P'tee??"i said "Broo? When??" P'heng said and P'tee replied "I kinda asked her out yesterday and we uh.."  "IRIN??" P'nam said "yeah.." P'tee replied scratching the back of her neck . "Well, congratulations P'tee" i said and gave her a thumbs up "soo.. when's the date bro?" P'Heng asked her and she looked confused, "ohh tell me you two didn't plan the wedding day??" P'nam said in disbelief  "We will plan that out you know!!" P'tee said "alright bro.. just make sure that i am the best man," P'Heng said while their orders had been brought by the waiters "Yepp of course Heng!" P'tee said and them three Automatically Switched to confused look at me, "What?" I said coldly "where's your order freen?" P'nam said "oh, I didn't order some.. i'm not reallt hungry though, haha" then they started shooting death glares at me "STOPP ITT!, I ALREADY ATE YOU KNOW!" they sighed "alright freen, you know we can share" P'heng said while wriggling his eyebrows. "NOOO!! I aint hungry!!" They laughed at me and I started sulking. And then I noticed, Dad walking towards us, with a friend?

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