Chapter 3

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Rebecca's Pov:

     Urghhh why do I have to deal with everything now? How about my brother?? Hmph!.. i guess this id for the best then? Fuck this life I had. I thought for a second of what dad said to me.. like hell??. He wants me to marry someone I don't even know! He knew I have a fucking girlfriend now! Ughh! Whoever this girl is, i'll make sure that she suffers from me for accepting this fucking marriage contract!
      As I looked at the contract for a second, I saw someone's name besides mine, Sarocha Freen Chankimha, oh? So she's just my age then? Alright.. interesting.. I have to talk to Friend (my girlfriend) about this, i hope she'll understand me.

    I'm so angry at dad right now! I mean? He knows i have a girlfriend and Richie doesn't! But why me?? Do they actually accept girl to girl relationships now huh?? After this 1 year contract, I'll propose to Friend and marry her, and forget about everything and have a happy life, with our children. Who is this Sarocha Freen anyway? "I'm sorry to do this to you Princess.." dad said while looking at me straight into my eyes. "I know you have someone already, we only signed this for a year, and after that, we won't trouble you anymore Rebecca..." He continued, I were absolutely pissed off about this matter, but I have a feeling that this might be our biggest chance to Recover our companies again, We went downhill since last month, our company is having bankrupt, and the only solution to it, is I marry that Sarocha Girl.. Well... I'll make her suffer if she doesn't give me those money i want.. ehehe..
      I looked at dad, and looked at the contract, i smirked for a second and sat down at the table and signed the papers. I saw my dad stunned, because I signed it. "Alright dad, if it's for the company, then, I'm alright about it, but I need to tell Friend about this matter, and i hope she'll understand me, your welcome dad." I sad smilling at my father as he started to get teary, i womder why tho? "Thankyou Rebecca, and i'm really sorry for doing this to you honey, you know we can't always relay to your brother," he said and walked up to me thẹn huged me. "And one thing sweety," he said, but he hesitated for a bit ." Your going to live together, starting next week". He said making me shocked. "Why would I live with her dad?!!" Ị slightly screamed at my dad, like, i can sign that stupid marriage contract for our company's sake. But I won't live with her! I don't even know her.
         "I'm sorry, but you have to, princess, can you do it for daddy, please? In fact, you cannot sign a contract without living together.." he begged me. I sighed. "Alright then, if it's for the company.." i said making a sad tone "thankyou princess," Dad replied, and left me alone in the living room, I sighed thinking about what will happen to me and Friend if I'll tell her this, I hope she'll understand me somehow..
Fast Forward (next week)
    Rebecca's Pov
  Ughhh why would I get to meet her right now?? , I have a freakin date with Friend (my girlfriend)!!. I canceled it because of dad! And now we're going to that girl I have to get married with, but only a year contract. "We're here Rebecca" I slipped off my thoughts and glared at dad. "Please don't do that face to the Chankimha's Family rebecca.. I promise you, this will be quick, so you can have you dinner date with your girlfriend. Please Rebecca.. we have to respect them, to agree more with us, and with that, we can have the money and bring our company back alive.." I heard dad saying beside me, "ughhh! Alright! Alright. Let's go already" I rolled my eyes while getting out of the car

     When I got off our car, I saw a man that looked kinda in his early 20s, or age 25 maybe? I noticed him approaching us, and then dad whispered "Be nice, ok princess?" Be nice?? To who? "Pat!! There you are! Nice to meet you again!" The man said and giving dad a fist bump "Nice to see you again Fran!. Oh and by the way, this is Rebecca, my daughter." Dad introduced me to
his friend.. I smiled shyly and he offered me his hand and I shyly shook his and. "Nice to meet you Rebecca! I'm uncle Francis Chankimha!, you can call me uncle Fran, but I prefer aunt hehe"
    He and dad laughed at the last sentence he said
Uncle? So. He is much much older than me then? broo why does he looked handsome but he's old?
     "Come inside, we prepared lunch for you two." He led us inside a big mansion that is 2x bigger than our house. As I looked around, i noticed that there is only 2 maids in here.. i thought that they're rich? They can't even afford 5 maids! HHAHA. I saw a beautiful and yet hot girl walking down the stairs playing with her phone, and almost slipped off a step. I silently laughed at her.
   "Oh and this is Freen Sarocha, my clumsy yet smart daughter, Come here for a sec sweety!" I heard Uncle Francis called that girl, I was shocked that this Hot and sexy and beautiful woman would be my wife-in-contract. I saw her walking towards us and sat beside Uncle Francis "what is it dad?" She said. " this is uncle Patrick Armstrong, and her daughter" Uncle Francis said, Dad then lean in to give her a hand shake and she immediately accepted it. "Good noon, Mr. Armstrong, I'm Sarocha Chankimha, you can call me Freen instead! And to you to lady.." she then Looked at me with that hazelnut colored eyes . And that pinky lips smiled at me. Wtf? What are you thinking Rebecca! "Nice to meet you Too freen, this is my daughter, Rebecca Patricia Armstrong," dad said and she again looked at me and smiled shyly. "Nice to finally meet you Rebecca" she then offered her hand to me. I was hesitant to shake it. And I think she noticed my hesitancy and stopped trying to shake my hand, i was slightly shocked ofc. "Nice to meet you." I coldly said and smiled at her.
     "Forgive her, she is not usually into new people," Dad said and they agreed. "Are you hungry Mr Armstrong? I cooked for you two already..."  I heard Freen said and lead us into the kitchen. "You can call me uncle Pat, you know Freen? Don't be too much formal.." Dad said as we sat in their dining table, "I'm sorry, alright then.. I'll prepare your lunch." She excused herself to us. "Don't you have maids to do that?" I asked to uncle Fran and he chuckled making me confused. "Freen does that every time. I tried to convince her not to do that cause I can hire some maids for that, and we fought because of that, and of course she always win, so I let her, that's why I only hired two maids in here, for cleaning purposes" Uncle Francis said making my dad and I shocked. "Oh, so that explains the two maids I saw in the living room." I said and dad and uncle Fran chuckled.
     "Here ya goo! This is my latest invention!
I don't know what to call it yet! It's my first time making my own recipe, so please give me an honest comment, hehe..." She said making me shock, what does this girl know that I don't?. I can barely cook an egg!.. We tasted her cooking and it was absolutely delicious! Like.. howw? Its only shrimp and veggies mixed together like some kind of sour, spicy, salty soup! But it tastes delicious ! "It's so delicious Freen! You know how to cook?" My dad asked and I saw him also looked surprised. "Well it became my hobby for some reasons, I always cook for dad's guests, thankyou for you compliment Uncle." Freen said and then Uncle Francis also was surprised by his daughter "It's veryy delicious Sarocha! What will you call it? Oh! I think Rebecca will name it!" Uncle Francis said and I saw Freen turned her head to me and smiled "alright Rebecca.. do you like it? Can you name it for me?"
     She asked me in a soft tone. why can't I refuse to that?? Godd!! This girl is making me insane, I almost forgot I have a girlfriend... "Well, It is definitely delicious,but I kinda don't like the spicy part.. hehe. and are you sure you want me to name it?"
     I asked and she immediately respond "yes of course! Thank you for that compliment and I'm sorry if its spicy" Is she always this formal and nice? "It's alright.. can you call it... Tom Yum? That's what I thought of.." I said and I looked at her and There I saw her sparkling eyes... "Of course Rebecca, Thankyou for naming it! This is officially my Favorite meal! The Tom Yum Soup! Named by the one and only Rebecca Patricia Armstrong!" We all laughed at her and i felt a slightly weird feeling inside me.. should I continue my plan of torturing her when we live together? I feel kinda bad for myself.. well.. i think i'll still continue it.

Long chapter for ya'll cause I don't think I can update tomorrow, HEHE have a good day everyone!! Love u all!!🤭


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