Chapter 40 : reconciliation

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Freen's pov

"Babe babe.. it's 9 o'clock already.. let's get ready for the lunch date with your parents.." I groaned after my lovely fiancé woke me up. "You feel alright babe? We can cancel if-". She cuts me off.

"We can't, and we won't. just listen love.. I know you have a grudge against your father and mother but they are also your parents... try to understand them better babe" she said. I stayed silent for a while. I think this will help me too. All I have ever wanted was to be loved by a mother and to love a mother.

And where was she? Since I was clearly ten when she left me with my psychotic father. I always suffered and almost lost consciousness. Though she was my inspiration that's why I graduated bachelors degree and work under my father's company.

I've always thought she was dead. And now she. Came to my proposal party. With no one even invited her. I hate her, Without any reason why. I love her because she was my inspiration. I miss her. I didn't even had the chance to hug her. I always envy the children who were so close to their mothers.

There is a part of me that wants to bring her back to my life again.

I felt my eyes started to tear up, Becky leaned and hugged me. I hugged her back and we stayed in that position for some minutes. She broke the hug and kissed my forehead.

"You're my brave wifey alright? Whatever problem you're facing, and if you're not ready yet. I'm sure you'll find a solution for that. I believe in you and I'm so proud of you my love.." she says and gave me a peck on my forehead.

"Thanks for everything love, I really needed that.. I love you my sunshine.." I kissed her tasty addictive lips. "I love you too baby.." she smiled.


We are currently at the parking lot. I was hesitant about wether I would go or not. Thankfully becky was beside me. "Come on babe, don't worry... you can do this, I know you can." She kissed my hand gently.

I took a deep breath and texted dad that we're at the parking lot. He replied back with an encouraging message. I rolled my eyes seeing dad's response. I am not sure what to do about myself at the moment. I hope I can be able to handle my emotions.

We got outside the car and headed inside the cafe.
Becky was holding my hand the entire time, I felt nervous. I saw dad stood up his seat and wave for us to sit next to them.

Two empty seats infront of him. And there I saw. My 'Mother' looking at me with sparkles in her eyes. Her smiling widely at me while I made a stern face. Never smiled, nor even looked at them eye to eye. She never changed though, only her hair maybe. Her facial expressions was still the same. She's still the same mom that I remembered and last seen. She was still as beautiful as the sun. The first person I admired.

I slipped off my thoughts as Becky greeted them with a smile as I just said, "good noon." Because it was noon.

I led becky to sit first and when she was settled, I sat beside her, keeping my cold aura and to never look at both of them in the eyes. I knew Becky noticed this that's why she lightly pinched my lap when I sat.

"Sarocha.. how are you?" I heard dad ask, I who kept looking around trying to avoid eye contact, replied with a nod. I earned a pinch from becky. "I.. I.. am ok!" I said nervously. I saw them nod.

"I believe this beautiful young lady is you fiancé, Sarocha?" I heard 'mom' said. I looked at her without smiling and nod. "Nice to meet you dear, I'm Saroj Annantrakul Chankimha, you can call me mom if you want.." I saw her winked at Becky, I was getting a bit irritated by it but Bec seemed to act cool. So I did the same.

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