Chapter 45 : The Day 🔞

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Freen's pov:

I woke up, feeling a little tired. I felt like a weight on my tummy down to my feet. I slowly opened my eyes, "Happy Birthday my lovee!" Becky greeted me with a kiss on my lips. "Thank you babe!" I smiled.

We hugged for a moment. "I love you so so much baby.. you don't know how much. I am very thankful for your kindness you've given to me.. your support and love for me means the world to me." She says as we broke the hug.

"Awww I love you too my love.. thank you also for everything, for being there for me when I needed it," I said as I leaned it and captured her lips.

This has been the best birthday morning ever..

"I've got a surprise for you later tonight..." she smirked. I have a good and bad feeling about this.. why is she smirking though?..

"What is it??" I asked her. "It's a secret baby.. you'll know it later.." she replied with a smile. Gosh how I love her smile... it makes my heart melt while seeing it.


Yesterday (noon)

Becky's pov:

I was so nervous about this.. I've known all the process and learnt it. I am not sure I am ready to do it.

By "it" means, the pregnancy test.

I have been here at the bathroom for some time now.. and right here right now. I was ready to do this.

I have done the process. And it shows... POSITIVE?!

I can't believe it! I'm pregnant with Freen's baby! I'm excited for it!

I shed happy tears when I saw it. God Knows how happy I am to have this baby with the one I love!

{end of flashback}


Becky's pov:

I was smiling ear to ear with excitement because I am about to break the news to Freen. She would be the happiest person ever to be existed and I know for sure.

"Babe.. Nita had called me a few days back, there's some urgent issues at the Philippines.. that I needed to make my presence known." Freen says as she was about to stand up at the bed.

"No. You mustn't go there without me Freen. I don't quite trust that Nita girl." I said. She looked at me with confusion. "She won't do anything stupid bae.. let me handle it.. after all.. I've noticed that you haven't being well these past few days.. it's better for you to stay home-". I cut her.

"Stay home and do what, Freen?! Stay home and let you handle the company ALONE. I thought we were doing this together? I don't care if I'll let myself sacrifice for the company, I would do it. If the company is much more of your priority than me!" I fought back.

She held my hand gently as I tried to look away from her stares. "Love.. it is certainly not true that the company is much more important than you.. but you know that I care so much for you that I won't allow myself to let you go when I know you're not feeling well.." she explained.

"I am well Freen. You just couldn't see it. It is settled that I'll come with you at the Phil." I said with seriousness written all over my face. She just sighed feeling defeated. I smirked.

"Bec.. you don't understand.." she says. "I'm the one who doesn't understand?! It is you, Freen. What was the purpose of us being business partners if we don't work together!!" I responded with a slight of anger.

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