Chapter 6

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Rebecca's Pov:

Oh shoot! I forgot to call Richie! Eh nvrm, I'll just call him tomorrow.. OH SHOOT! I FORGOT I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND! 

It's already 11:00 o'clock in the evening. Me and Freen already in our pajamas, I was a bit shy at first but Freen isn't that too shy towards me so I let my shyness leave my body and took the urge to sit beside her in the huge bed.. "I think someone is calling you Rebecca.. your phone is vibrating." Freen said. I didn't notice that my phone is vibrating because my mind is filled up with nervousness and shyness!

   As I look at my phone to see who's calling me at this hour of night.. IT'S FRIEND! SHIT 54 miss calls?? i'm so fucked up rn!  "You can take that phone call outside.. Rebecca" i heard Freen said and I mouthed to her 'thank you' and I rushed outside.
  I called Friend again and she immediately answered "REBECCA PATRICIA ARMSTRONG! WHY AREN'T YOU ANSWERING MY CALLS!? Did you already cheat on me with you SO-CALLED-WIFE IN CONTRACT??!" Friend shouted at the other side of the line.. fuck.. "Don't worry too much Babe.. I didn't cheat on you babyy.. It's just that. dad wants me and Sarocha to be close together.. He didn't let me use my phone for a day.. sorryy, can you forgive me please babyy??" I said to her..

Why didn't I feel the same spark everyday when she calls?.. did I already loose feelings for Friend since Freen came? No! This can't be happening.. I already planned that I'll marry Friend when this contract ends... I can't just leave our 3 years of lovers like that because of Freen. I Love Friend. Not Freen.

"Then let's go on a date tomorrow, you busy?" She said. What? I'll join Freen tomorrow, buying some stuff for our dog. And stuffs in our house too. No. My girlfriend is important. "Sure thing babe.. what time? I'm free tomorrow all day!" I said excited about seeing her tomorrow. "How about 1 pm. I'll treat you dinner! Sounds good?" Friend said on the other side of the line. "Yep! I'll see you tomorrow babe!" I said we bid our goodbyes to each other.
  I then headed back to the master's bedroom, where I saw Freen and the puppy cuddled up together. (Of course we bathe that dog! Duh!). When I turned off the lights. I heard Freen said "Rebecca? Is there something wrong?" She asked me while I lay down and made myself comfortable at our huge bed. But of course Freen put a long pillow in between us. "There is nothing wrong Freen. You can sleep now. Good night" i said to her coldly. "Alright, goodnight Rebecca"
    And we drifted off to our separated Dream lands..

                              ☆ THE NEXT DAY ☆
Rebecca's Pov:
    I woke up around 9:55 a.m and I felt Freen is not beside me, our puppy isn't in his bed too.. did they left without me? How dare theyy! I'm the mother of that dog!   I got out of bed and prepared my clothes I have to wear when going out with Friend this afternoon. I choose something simple.

"There! I look Beautiful! Like fr HAHA" i said praising myself infront of the mirror

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"There! I look Beautiful! Like fr HAHA" i said praising myself infront of the mirror. I heard a know on our bedroom door and I yelled "who is it??" "It's me! Hi! I'm the problem, It's me!" She said. Is that Freen? I can't recognize her voice anymore tho.. "and who is that??" I said and I looked at the door, there she is. Freen. Wearing something black. Again. Is there any light colors in her vocabulary? She always wear black! Why the hell though?
   "Heyy.. Rebecca! There is someone waiting for you outside. I invited her inside because you're taking soo long in here. She said she's your girlfriend. So I welcomed her." Freen said making my eyes widen in surprised. Friend is here this early?? Alright then.. maybe it's lunch and dinner date🤭..
  "Alright Freen! Can you entertain her for a bit while I'm getting ready? Thankyou!" I said pushing her out of our room andi hurriedly preparing myself to look presentable in front of My girlfriend.. (or in front of Freen).

As i'm done finishing my light make up. I headed downstairs to the living room. I saw them laughing and chatting. Until Freen saw me and pointed me to Friend. "Heyy there beautiful" Friend said walking towards me and hugged me. I felt a little weird though. As i'm looking at Freen, i see her smiling and giving me an encouraging nod. I don't even know why.. "I guess we'll be going now bro!" Friend said while giving Freen a glare and doing some 'bros-fist-bump' thingy. "Alright, bro, have a nice date!" Freen said and then she looked at me and smiled. I just nodded and led Friend outside of our house.

  "Nice house you got there Rebecca." I heard Friend said while driving. "Thanks, but it's not really my house.. Freen's father gave it to us.. it's quite big enough for us three.." I said and looked to up to Friend as she clenched her jawline. Is she pissed? Possibly? Why is she pissed though?
   "You three?" She said while stopping the car because the traffic light is red. "Yeah. We adopted a dog. Well, we kidnapped it, found it infront of our house." I shared. And she looked at me with disbelief. And started the car again, and continued to drive all the way to our lunch destination. "It's your son now?." She said in a cold tone. "Not really... i am his mami. But Freen, she's just her dad- AUNT! Freen is just her Auntie, yes!" What?? Did i almost said dadi? What the fuck id happening to me rn??
      "Babe.. we're here!" I heard Friend said that made me back to reality and look at her and smiled. I got off the car and we headed inside the restaurant she said we'll be eating for our lunch.. I totally felt bad because Freen and I will be going out today to buy some stuffs for our puppy... We don't have work for a week since our dad said that we'll be going to get to know each other first. "Babe. Rebecca!" I felt a hand pulling my left arm.

     Oh.. I'm with my girlfriend rn.. i tods forgot..
      "y.yes?? What is it again??" I said shattering because I didn't pay much attention to her.. "I'm just asking you what will you eat? Here.. the menu, you can choose, its my treat right? Order what you've chosen. I'll pay!" She said "I'll just order stir -fried vegetables with rice but not spicy though! I don't like spice.. and one boba milk tea, Thankss!" I said happily to the waiter because They actually have boba milk tea's here.. "you sure that's all?" Friend asked "yep!! How about you Free- babe! How about you?? What will you eat??"
     WHAT THE HELL AM I THINKING? FREEN?  Did this girl casted a spell on me to think about her all day? the fuck?
   "I already ordered becky... are you sure that's all?" She asked and I just shyly nod "alright then.. That's all, thankyou waiter.." Friend said then turning her head towards me.. tbh.. I felt like I lost feelings for Friend.. I.. I mean I love her.. but It was sincere until I met Freen.. I think.. "becky? Are you listening to me?" I was cut off from my thoughts when Friend called me..
    Our orders are here already??! That's quick..

     "I've been calling you for like 12 minutes straight babe.. what's wrong?" She asked while handing me the chopsticks.. "i..I'm ok.. just maybe tired of dad.. or tired of everything.. why can't Richie marry that girl?" I said sarcastically rolling my eyes.. "you know.. that girl your married with, is pretty ugly though not gonna lie..." she said and she laughed endlessly and sometimes chokes on her own food.. I just joined her laughing even though I felt a little sting of anger in my insides when she said that Freen is ugly.. how dare she say that?
     After we finished eating, Friend and I had a bond with each other until night time.. It was about 8:32 p.m. that we arrived at the mall to eat dinner..when I was about to get inside the mall.. I saw a familiar dog from a distance..

IT'S FREEN! With our dog and a.. boy??..

Ya'll I don't know what to name the dog yet..
  Can you pick?? Fluffy or bon bon?
I thought of bon bon because he is the first son ofc.
But I'll let ya pick!🧽

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