Chapter 32

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F's pov:

"Are you not disgusted by me?"


After I asked, she then chuckled.

"Aww.. babe, I accept you.. even if you're a human or an alien.. I'm still supporting you.. I'll accept you. I just didn't believe it at first, but when you already clarified it.. It makes more sense.. and I'm sorry about your past.. I didn't know you suffered from that a lot in such a young age.."

she said feeling sorry and she explained her side too..

To be honest... I felt relieved after talking to her.. it's like a huge heavy weight has been lifted from me.

"To be honest babe.. that made me fall harder for you... but I'm not just using you for your body neither pleasure.. I want you to feel that you belong in this world.. my world.. you gave sunlight to my world babe.. and I want you to know that.. you'll always be my Freen.. no matter what happens.. I'll be with you.

I'll stick with you till the end like a glue.."

She added, that made me wanted to hug her and cry on her shoulders. I never had thought that someone would accept me the way I am.. my friends already knew this but the way Rebecca accepts it, it was heartwarming. Now this is what I call true love.

"T-thank you s-so m-much bb...!! I never thought you'd accept me for what I am.. i love you bb!"
I said as I jumped to hug her, letting my tears of joy left my eyes..

I just felt happy.

We stayed hugging each other while me was on top of her and she was underneath me. It felt like it was a weird position but I didn't bother it.. I like the way I lay on her breast..

It feels smooth laying on her breast... YOW FREEN WHAT ARE YOU THINKING!! YOU PERVERT!!

"Hmm~~ We will be stuck together until the end, right? No taking back!" Says the girl underneath me.

"I will babe... I guess I'll be Stuck with you until our time comes..". I replied

"I love you so much Sarocha.." she said while caressing my hair.

"I love you too Patricia.. thank you for everything.."
I replied.

   We slept the whole afternoon out of tiredness and woke late at night.

R's pov:

"Oh, gosh. Freen wake up! It's already past 8 p.m.!"
I shouted making her flinch.

"Ayy! I'm sorry if I scared you... but we need to get up right now.."

"H-huh?.." she says softly..

Awww she must be confused right now.. how cute..

"It's already past 8 p.m. and we'll have a late dinner.. I can't let us starve like this honey.. please wake up now.." I pleaded as she scratched her eyes out of sleepiness. SHE'S SO CUTE HELP!!
(actually don't help me..)

"Alright... I'll cook dinner for us.." she said as she yawned. She must be sleepy.. I'll let her sleep in peace later.. we sat up and fixed ourselves. I got my phone as she went to the kitchen.

I saw our dads has texted me if where are we.. 1:06 p.m.. he then continued to chat that he and Freen's dad were taking care of the company and let us two bond. What great fathers really.

"BECKGIEE!! what would you like to eat!!??"
I heard Freen shout from the kitchen so I stood up and went to her.

"I would love to eat yo-" she cuts me.

Stuck with YOU || BECKFREEN/FREENBECK STORYWhere stories live. Discover now