Chapter 14

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Rebecca's POV

1 month later...
It's been a month now, Friend finally got in jail and the case is true that she's the one who did that. I still can't believe it though... why would she do that in the first place?. Well that's not my concern right now, I am more concerned about Freen... it's been so long and she hadn't wake up yet. I missed her already, I even got to go to their house to talk to uncle Fran about my feelings for Freen, He said He's alright with it and said that he will also take care of our "Real" marriage once Freen is awake. What a supportive Father actually.. I haven't talked to dad about it tho.. I'm sure he'll understand me better, I even got tips from my brother how to make a girl fall for me hehe. My father us still in charge with my work for a month. But I am also helping him out, he said I can go back work when things are better. Trust me, this past few weeks was hellish. I don't even want to talk about it...

About our dog.. he is still alive, I sometimes bring him at the hospital to visit his dad- i mean... his other owner.. when I feel lonely waiting for Freen. I just bring our kid. I mean our dog to the hospital and us two will talk to Freen. He sometimes bark at freen like he's talking. I cried watching him barking at freen. It's like he understood the purpose why is he there with me. He also likes to lick Freen's hand at some times when he's there. It's cute though.

I am now with P'Heng, P'tee and P'Nam going to the hospital to visit Freen, her dad didn't agree with transferring Freen to our house because he said that it's safer here at the hospital. I did not argue with him of course. When we got inside, headed towards Freen and sat beside her bed. We also bought flowers for her  and we put them in a flower vase with an amount of water so it won't easily die..

we've been talking to Freen for the past days about what's going on at life but we didn't even bother if Freen will hear this or not. Nam always talks about her baby to Freen, she said Freen is good with kids and Freen also loves her baby so much. P'Nam said that she and her husband will prepare a gender reveal party when Freen wakes up.

  P'Heng shares about what his life is, he always talks about how hot Doctor Sky was, and he admitted that he's in love with doc sky. But it's true though, doc sky is kind of handsome but he's out of my league.

    How ever P'tee never ever talk about anything else except how hot her 'fiancé' is . And that means my best friend. Irin. They've been together for about 3 years now and P'tee already proposed to her past 2 months ago and they said that their wedding won't be perfect without Freen, so they'll wait for freen. Irin also agreed with P'tee, so it won't be a problem. Irin also came to visit Freen with P'tee for some time, they said that Freen will be the best woman in P'tee's side cause she didn't have a sister. Of course, Irin picked me as her best woman too. Haha.

And me? I just enjoyed their company and how they love Freen so much.. but of course I share my thoughts and problems with freen but when the time we're alone. Ị however share her my thoughts about my feelings for her, I don't care if she hears me or not.. But there is one that i've been scared to know,

What if she forgets about me?

A tear suddenly appeared in my eye but I quickly wipe it off so that they won't notice. I am now holding Freen's hand. They looked pale and white, like there's no blood left. But then it... "Moved?!" I said excitingly "what is it Rebecca?" They said. "Freen's hands.. it moved!" They came towards me and P'nam was about to say but the beeping sound of the monitor that is attached to freen's pulse was getting louder and louder. We were shocked at the moment, we immediately called for the nurse and her personal doctor.

  Until the nurse and the doctor arrived. They checked if Freen's condition was alright. They said she's fine and she is recovering from the amount of blood lost from her that causes the loud beeping sound. For a few moments, We noticed that Freen's eyes were moving. For a sudden it opened.

Freen is awake! Freen is awake!

We were overjoyed with Freen. P'Nam was crying while P'Heng hugged her. P'tee came over to me and tapped my back. I felt tears flowing down my eyes as P'tee hugged me. Doctor sky congratulated us for the awakening of Freen. The nurse helped her sat up in her bed. She was still examining the room, she was silent for a while. We calmed down and called Uncle Fran about the news and he said he'll be here in a jiffy. We all gathered beside Freen who was still not in her self a the moment. She was spaced out, she didn't speak but the doctor said it's normal for a person awakening from a coma.
  Uncle Fran finally came from a few minutes of waiting. He head towards freen and hugged her, but not too tight tho.. Freen just sat still wearing a poker face, she didn't even flinch a little. Uncle Fran was a slight disappointed by that, we thought.

Maybe Freen lost her memories...

We all went dead silent after that but was cut by P'Tee, "Has Freen lost her memories, doc?" P'Tee asked while our eyes were about to start teary again. "Let's try to ask her first, try to ask her if she knows you... but if she doesn't know one of you. It's verifiable that she has Retrograde amnesia, and that is when you can't recall memories from your past... but it will slowly recover soon" Doc. Sky said, we were shocked at that. Uncle Fran was also starting to get teary eyed... P'Nam was hugging me while crying. I know she couldn't take this also... I just thought.

Is this my fault? If I didn't have to marry her, This couldn't have happened. If.. if I didn't agree with the marriage at first.. I could've prevented this to happen. If uncle fran just let me go after her. She wouldn't be in this state right now.

When Doc. Sky left with the nurses that helped. They started to question Freen about anything but they didn't pressure her that much. They started by "Hello Freen," they asked. But Freen only replied with a nod. We gave her time to adjust herself in this room. We tried to make her talk, she did, but only a few words like yes and no. She just sat still looking blankly. It broke my heart seeing her like that. I miss the old Freen. I miss the kind soft hearted cutie.
As the night went by. They said I'll just go home to rest cause this day has been exhausting. I tried to convince them that I'm fine, but my face isn't helping. My face looked like a ghost right now. That's why they said I should rest for a while. They won and I went home.

I didn't go to our home with my parents. I went to our house. Mine and Freen's house. It's our house, even though Freen wasn't here for the past few weeks that turned into months... I took care of our house and our son... I..I mean our dog...

I never once felt lonely in this house, I sometimes think that Freen is here with me.. memories of me and Freen always comes to my head when I am here. When that time we found the dog. And that time where she cooked for me for the first time.. HAHAH and that time when we argued about me being scared of the dark.. and many more memories we shared together in this house.

Helloo👋👋 i am so sorry for the delays again.
I had some mental issues with myself (fever).
I hope you angless and girl freenss are alright!
And oh, english is not my first language so.. I don't know much about English..

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