Chapter 4 : The move in

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                             ★ Rebecca's Pov ★

     Two days had passed and this is officially the date wherein I and that Freen girl had to move in together, I'm in the middle of thinking deeply while my dad was driving me to my new house a.k.a me and Freen's house. Richie said that she wanted to meet my wife-in-contract. So, when I arrive in our place, I'll call him for a minute or two.

  Mine and Freen's new house is just a 30 minutes drive from our separated houses, when I arrive, My dad made an excuse because he has to be in a business trip with Richie for 3 weeks or so, I didn't see Freen since I arrive, I was the only in that house. I looked around a little bit, and then I thought "if me and Freen are going to live here, then why is there only 1 room, and it's freaking huge! And the 2 guest rooms are just half the size of that freakin huge room!!" After another 10 minutes, I heard someone opening the front door.

  And there I saw the woman I married in the contract, not gonna lie though, she is pretty handsome as a masculine type of woman, she is wearing all black, her black long sleeve polo shirt and her long black lose pants paired with her sunglasses, like, where did she go with THAT outfit in such a hot day. She brought 4 medium sized bags and two large lauguage.Gosh. How can she carry all of those is only two arms

  When she saw me in the staircase, she smiled and said "oh, Rebecca you're here already? I'm sorry I'm a bit late, the traffic from my house is really bad." She said while placing some bags in the small table in the living room. "It's alright, I understand, its always traffic when it's weekends" I said reassured her that it's okay. She just nodded and head towards me and asked "Have you eaten yet Rebecca? I can cook you something from the fridge.. it's already 7:15 p.m." She asked to me politely, how can I torture her to give me some money if this is her behavior, I can just ask if she can give me that much money, she will give it, if your a close friend. "Well, I didn't eat yet, I want to taste some of you cooking Freen, can I?" I asked,

    WHAT?? WHY DID I SAID THAT? What is happening to me?? why am I being nice to her?? Tbh, I feel like I can't continue to torture her if this is how she treats me, like a princess..

    Freen cooked the available ingredients inside the fridge which is only Fish and vegetables, she cooked it for about 11 minutes straight. I'm impressed, why didn't she work as a chef instead of working as a CEO of her dad's company? But to be honest, I like how she cooks, the way her sleeves tucked up to her elbows makes it more thrilling, I think I've been staring at her for that 11 minutes of her cooking whatever food she's cooking. She is now done cooking and the food she cooked smelled soo delicious 🤤 

"tadaah!! This is sinigang soup! With Fish and green beans,tomatoes and onion, it is the only recipe I know with that ingredients.. Let's eat!" She said while helping me prepare the dining table, she let me taste the Soup first and she said that I can tell her what I felt while I tasted it, "Wow Freen, I'm really Impressed by your cooking skills! What do you call it again?" I said while eating the soup she made, like, I'm being honest here, I really like her cooking. "They call it sinigang in Philippines, the original of it is meat but we don't have any, so I tried to make it with fish and as fast as I could so I won't let you starve while waiting me cook." She said and I just nodded in agreement. Aww, she made it as fast as she could so I can't starve, but I didn't really starve tho..

    I can see her looking at me while smiling, I then looked at her and said "is there something wrong with my face?" I asked and she chuckled "there is nothing wrong with your face, it's just that, I'm surprised that you The Rebecca Patricia Armstrong actually liked my stupid cooking" I'm quite surprised too by her response, and i'm also quite angry at her because she said that her cooking was stupid "your cooking is not stupid Freen, the one who cooks is, because she said that her cooking is stupid" she then laugh at my response to her. I can see her gums as she smiles, its kinda cute hearing her small chuckle..

                                 {few minutes later}

   "You can take the masters bedroom Rebecca, I can sleep in one of the guest rooms." I heard her say in the kitchen washing the dishes, while I'm busy unpacking my things. There is no way I let her sleep in the guest bedroom, her dad is the one who donated this house and I let Her stay at a guest room.

  I waited for her to be finish with her work and when I saw her outside the kitchen entrance, I immediately called out for her "Freen! Come here! I'll talk to you for a sec!" I said and I saw her confused face as she walked towards me and sat beside our brown couch. "What is it that you wanted to talk to me about Rebecca?" She asked me politely, "You can't sleep in the guest room tonight." I said with a stern voice, and then she looked at me confused
     "why?" She asked and I angrily responded "it's because your dad bought almost all of this house and my dad just donated the furniture and sanitary items for us, so, you're sleeping in the master's bedroom, i'll sleep in the guest room" I said and she then replied in a serious yet cold voice, "I can't Rebecca, your my priority for a year starting now, dad said that if we ever fight, i'll always let you win and I'll be your personal bodyguard, i'll take care of you starting from you agreed to be business partner with me.. because if I don't...never mind.. You'll sleep in the master's bedroom.." she said,

    I was about to ask what will happen if she disobey her dad but she totally cut me off  "Let's sleep together then!" 

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