Chapter 2

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Freen's Pov

Is he dad's business Partner? Well i hope so.. I excused myself to my friends and gave them my business card to pay for the foods they ate and i head to dad. He saw me and waved his hands to me to come where he and his friend were.

"Sarocha!, come here for a sec! I'm going to introduce to you to someone!" I heard him slightly shouting.. I looked at them two.. is he dad's new boyfriend? , oh god don't tell me?? " let me introduce you to, mr. Armstrong, Patrick Armstrong, I want you and his daughter to be business partners for a year, is it alright to you? Sarocha?" I signed in relief.. gosh, I thought he was dad's new boyfriend, like bro? He's old and he is still looking for a boyfriend? I thought for a second and then looked at them.

I saw dad waiting for my answer and i then said "alright then Dad, Mr. Armstrong, I'll accept it.. but who is he?" I said shaking my hand to Mr. Armstrong. "Thanks for accepting this Miss Freen, and you'll meet her soon enough." Mr. Armstrong said, and smiled wildly at me.. dad then tapped my shoulder and and whispered "thankyou My daughter, I'm proud of you." Dad said and then gave me a contract and handed me a pen, I didn't read the contract correctly because dad said that I don't need to read the contract, i saw someone's name beside my name too, Rebecca Patricia Armstrong , oh she must be my business partner then? But she hasn't signed it yet. Oh well, i need to do this quick, i left my friends hanging there on the cafeteria, before i leave, dad said something and i needed to listen to it.

" You'll move in with your Partner next three days from now, we have the house already under control for the both of you." Dad said making me confused "We also stored food for you at your house, and some sanitary items for you two, I'll make sure Rebecca signed this contract Miss and Mr. Chankimha. Thankyou again for this.. and also please, Miss Freen, if Rebecca does something to you, please tell me directly alright?, I know Rebecca doesn't want to agree with this, but i think she'll understand, thankyou again" Mr. Armstrong said making me REALLY HELLA confused rn.. bro?

  Why do I have a bad feeling about this? I have to act as if I'm not confused infront of dad, I simply smiled and handed them the contact I already signed and we will wait for Rebecca Armstrong to sign that contract.
    I bid good bye to Mr. Armstrong and also to my father, i then headed to the cafeteria, i saw my friends happily chatting and laughing at each and every tease and jokes each other says. I slowly headed towards them and the automatically switched to serious mode. They looked at me confused. Alright, I indeed need to tell them.
    "Sorry, it took soo long for my father to talk, and he wants me to sign a contract for some other reasons , he said I'll be having a business partner for a year starting next week.." i said and they looked like they're interested in my story, so I continued " And she is Rebecca Patricia Armstrong, I don't really know-" Before i could finish my sentence, they all screamed "WHAT??!"
   They all said in chorus.. why do they looked surprised though? "What, what?" I said
They looked at each other for a while then back looking at me, "Like THE Rebecca Patricia Armstrong??" P'Heng said.. "ohh, Yeahh, that's what dad said" I replied. "They said, their company is slowly heading downhill, and maybe that's why they wanted your help?" P'nam said and shrugged her shoulders. "Right? They said they are the TOP 1st biggest and most famous company in thai.. and they've gone downhill ?" P'tee said "opss sorry, i didn't mean to make fun of my fiancé's best friend " P'tee said and we just laughed until P'heng interrupted our laugh "do you have a bad feeling about this Nong?, I mean, Business partners don't actually need to live together though?" P'Heng asked makes me 3x confused,

why do dad and mr. Armstrong wants us to live together?

I really need to talk to dad tonight.

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