Chapter 18: the revealing

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Rebecca's Pov

    After Freen's explanation, I kind of wanted to tell her all. The fact that I am her wife-in-contract. I wanted to talk to her about this matter, but I'm scared if I tell her this, she might not be able to accept it. She might not be a fan of girl to girl relationships for now.. so I asked. "What time is it now Freen?" She looked at me confused, maybe to the fact that I didn't answer her question, but she shoved it off. "It's 10 o'clock in the morning, why?" She answered. "Come, Let's have a walk in the main park together, then we'll talk about something.." I said and she agreed.

I helped her do the covering of the wounds by covering it with light make up, so that it'll not be obvious that she has scars. And also to every scratches left in her body.

      We are now inside a small coffee shop beside the main park, waiting for our orders to be served. "Freen.." I said with a gentle tone. "Yes Rebecca?" She replied looking worriedly to me. "Have you ever thought of having a relationship with the same gender?" I asked. She looked confused but she answered it. "Uh, well my dad is gay, and ever since my biological mother died, he started dating my mother's sister. And for some time now..When my mother's sister found out that my father cheated on a man, and since then my mother's sister left us without a clue, my father was the one who took over all the responsibilities of our family. Then a week later, my father introduced his new Boyfriend to me, I didn't expect that, his boyfriend was shocked because dad already has a daughter. So he left dad and then blamed all of it to me. He.. nevermind." She said,

I was only looking for an answer like yes or no.... But now I know the truth.. WHY DID SHE REMEMBERS ALL OF THAT BUT NOT ME?!!

   "Oh, and yes, I've thought about it" she added,  "uhm... alright.." i replied and our conversation was cut of by the waiter who served our orders. Then we chatted until she asked, "So.. are you my wife then?" I was out of excuses, and I didn't know what to do, so I just needed to tell her the truth. "You.. might not believe what I'll say Freen.." I hesitantly said.

I was still unsure what to do. Wether to say the truth or hide it.. she doesn't even remember a thing about me. I was disappointed, but I am here to help her recover it somehow.. I ain't leaving her with only making me a distant memory for her. I have to help her recover the memories we had.

"I'll listen to it Rebecca, even if it'll hurt me or not and wether it'll be an unbelievable thought.. the importance is, that I now know the truth." She said in a reassurance tone, so I was battling myself to tell her, but I couldn't keep it all to myself also..

As I was about to speak, A person came running towards us and said, "My freeeeenn!!". She said and hugged freen. She flinched a little by her sudden action. I couldn't recognize her, but it looks like I haven't met her. When she let go of Freen, I can sense freen was uncomfortable. But when Freen finally met her eyes, she lit up. "Toeyyy?! Your backk??" Freen said and she stood up and hugged her in a warm embrace. I, was feeling a ting of jealousy because they hugged for like 15 minutes straight. And I was left here feeling left out.

"This is Rebecca, my wife" she said and I stood up and shook her hand.


"Oh.. you're married now? Congratulations! Since when??" The girl beside her said. Wearing a fake smile, I could sense that she is disappointed by that, while me? I was feeling like I won a lottery when Freen introduced me as her wife.

I looked at Freen who was already looking at me. Oh, the girl asked when did we got married. So I answered "Oh, since January 25,2023", I said and she just nodded, "Good for you two then! I'll get going now, oh and btw I am Baitoey, Freen's childhood best friend. Bye girls!" She said and hugged Freen for the last time. Walked away wearing a sad expression. Why do I have a bad feeling about this girl.

  As we were taking a short walk from the park towards our house, I was thinking, did Freen ever forgot me? It looks like she hasn't, though she never asked what do i do for a living nor talked to me about my lifestyle.. I don't know..

    But then I felt soft hands holding my left hand. Freen, she slipped her hands to hold mine, I flinched a little but I smiled to the fact that she was holding my hand, our hands intertwined with each other. And sat down at a small bench infront of a fountain in the middle of the park.

    The tension between us was interrupted by a call from my brother, oh what a great way to disturb a lovely moment thanks to my brother. I excused myself to freen to answer the call. "What? You ruined the mood Richie!!" I said "So sorry to ruin your Lovey-dovey date with your wife, my beloved sister, but the good news is, I am coming homee!!" He said and I widen my eyes in shocked. "Really?!!" I exclaimed making Freen flinched a little by my sudden reaction. I just laughed at her and she smiled.

   "Yes! Maybe tomorrow or the next day, bye sis! And sorry to ruin your date little sis!! Byee!" He said and ended the line. I sighed and looked up to see Freen yawning. Cutee!!
     I looked at the time on my phone and It was 5:30 p.m., no wonder she yawned, she's sleepy this hour? It's early though. But never mind "Freen? Are you tired?" I asked and she looked at me and smiled, "I'm not tired when I'm with you Rebecca.." she reassured. I felt my guilt building up, this is my fault, I was the one who made her walk outside even though she's still healing!!.. "Let's go home now shall we? You must be tired from all those walks Rebecca.." she added and I just agreed with a nod.

     As we are only 2 km from our house, I got stumbled up to a random rock that I didn't see, "ouch..", "Are you alright Rebecca?" Freen said in a worried tone. "I'm fine, it's just a small hurt in my pinky toe.." i said, assuring her that I was fine. But she didn't take it. She bent down and said, "Here, It's fine for me, as long as you don't get hurt by that" she offered. "No no, I'm fine freen, now get up" I said and she nodded in disagreement. "No Rebecca, you shall ride my back for your foot not to get hurt. You silly little bean" I blushed by her sudden nickname for me, but of course , the Freen sarocha was offering me to ride her back all the way to our house, of course I won't hesitate to say yes. But I am worried though, she'll get back pain after this....

But I admit, she actually has a toned body, like be for real, I can see those veins popping out when holding myself that's riding at her back. I also notice it though, she never wore dresses but she's a girly type.

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