Chapter 13

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Rebecca's POV:

The car!?

Rebecca's thoughts: wait.. I am not so sure about this car.. it has pink stripes on it and it is black too! But I'm not even sure it's the car brand that doc. Sky said...but what if Friend did that on purpose? What if Friend did this? What if Friend is the one behind all this crap?... I first need to find out if this is true.

A week has passed I still haven't got any news about Freen to wake up. As I sat down beside Freen's hospital bed, I received a call from an unknown number, but I hesitantly answered it. "Hello?" I said and it seems like there was no body talking at the other line. I started to feel uncomfortable and was about to end the call but then someone said "It's your ex lover, can't you see? Don't you ever notice it? Go report it already" he/she said in the other line. "Wait.. who the hell is this?" I asked. But it only chuckled "you don't need to know me, you already know me." It said and ended the call leaving me confused yet nervous. What did he/she meant that it's my ex lover? I don't even have any other ex lovers except... Friend!?

So she did it?!

Í immediately called P'Nam and P'Heng to meet me in here at the hospital right now for some important matter.... For a few minutes later, came P'Nam and P'Heng. "What is it Rebecca?" They asked worriedly and came to check every inch of my body if there is something wrong with me. "Calm down, I'm fine.. but I think I know who did all this crap to Freen." I said seriously and we sat at the large couch inside Freen's hospital room. Yeah. This is a VIP room and it's huge!
"It's my past lover" I said and they looked shocked "Why would you say so Rebecca?" Asked P'Heng worriedly. "Look, someone called me early this morning. An anonymous number. I can't recognized the voice of the caller. But He/She said it's your ex lover, can't you see? don't you ever notice it? Go and report it already" I said and they shared a look which i know is ả worrying look.

One of them was about to speak but then cut off by my phone ringing out of the blue. I recognized the number is the one who called me early in the morning. "Wait. This is him" they all looked at my phone suspiciously. "Answer it Rebecca" P'Nam said and I obeyed it so I answered it. P'Heng signaled me to speak so I did. "Hello?" I said and we heard a cough at the back ground. "Have you reported it yet kid?" It said. And they looked surprised. P'Nam whispered me what to say. "I haven't yet. Can you please tell me first who you are?" We heard a chuckle at the other line. "I said you don't need to know me kid. You already know me" It said. We three shared a look and P'Nam let me reply to it. But then It ended the call. The surrounding went dead silent after that.

"We got to report it to Doc. Sky Becca!" P'Heng said. And we all nodded. We contacted doc sky if he's free right now or maybe later. He said right now would be alright so for about 3 minutes later. Doc sky appeared. "What's up?" He greeted us one by one and we got straight to the point. "Doc. Do you perhaps had any clue about the reason to freen's unconsciousness doc? Cause we might have a clue on it." P'Heng started. We all looked at Doc. Sky, and he leaned forward for him to hear. P'Heng looked at me and I nodded in response.

"Have you heard of a girl named Friend Sasinpimon?" P'Heng said making doc. Sky a confusing look. "I might have heard about her" he said. "Can we have someone to spy on her yet doc. We don't have any proof nor evidence that she is the one here. Rebecca, can you show us that picture please?" After I showed them the picture. Doc. Sky asked "do you know where does she live by a chance?" He asked and I nodded. "********* is where she lives doc." I replied. "Alright, I'll send someone to spy on her at some point. Have a good day to you all. And Rebecca, thank you for the information. I'll notify you all at the news. Thank you again." Doc. Sky said and we stood up to bid goodbye to him and before he left the room. He turned around and winked at P'Heng. Woah.. what tf was that?...

After some time, we all went to lunch and talked about random stuffs. And we went on separate ways because they have works to finish up. P'Heng works as a model at one of Freen's companies and P'Nam has her own.... Idk? Not sure about it. And I... went to the love of my life, my sleeping beauty. But when I was about to call of a taxi back to the hospital. I saw a flower shop near the place where we had lunch and I thought I would buy Freen some flowers.
When I got in the shop, I spotted this white bouquet of tulips, so I bought it specially for Freen. And then I continued to get back to the hospital.

At the hospital
I was about to open the door of Freen's room, I heard someone talking inside. I peeked through and I saw, Uncle Fran? What is he doing here?. I didn't even dare to get inside the room. I will now leave him there. I guess he feels guilty for his daughter or something, I waited and waited outside the room for Freen's Dad to get out and he did for a few minutes. I stood up the chair I was sitting on and greeted Uncle Fran.
    He looked at me confused but just let it slip off and smiled at me. "Good afternoon Uncle" I said and He replied. "Good afternoon to you too Rebecca, nice meeting you here. But why didn't you get in? Have you waited for so long?" He said and I quickly nodded in disagreement and replied "No Uncle, I just thought you might need some alone time with your daughter so I didn't go.." I said and he just nodded and smiled at me. He then asked me "Who's that flower for?" He said and I blushed replying "C..Can I give this to your daughter Uncle?.. I..I just want to.. uh.. know?.. uh" I awkwardly, nervously said and he chuckled

"Why of course. You can come in now, and I might as well leave right now. I've got something to do, have a great day Rebecca, oh and if you don't want this marriage contract, I can take it back. I'm sure Freen would like this. And so do you right? You can call me if you want this to happen. And if not. I can tell the division office that you two will continue this 1-year contract. After all, you and your Dad has gain access with money again, you don't need our help." He said and left me speechless.

I don't want this contract to end. I don't, fine, I admit. I fell inlove with Freen ok??!!  I fell in love with her since I first laid my eyes on her. I don't know why I had this urge to just. Run after her and kiss her deeply. I just want to he with her. I'm in love with her and no one can change that fact.

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