Chapter 38

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Rebecca's pov:

     Insisting Freen was the hardest thing to do. I assured her so many times now that I'm fine... though I'm not... I still feel pain from my head down to my stomach.. I'm not familiar with this feeling but I'm aware this is not good. I want Freen to worry less about me. She already has a lot going through her mind and there's me, who was like an addition to her burden... I felt bad already.

  Now I'm all alone in this house, I was waiting for Irin to pop up since I texted her that I'll be alone in the mansion. Freen went off to work cause I of course lied about my mental health but I had promised I'll update her from time to time and same as her too.

    Afternoon came and I was just drinking milk in the kitchen when someone barge in the main door, "Rebecca??" I heard a familiar voice. Why the heck is she here this early?? I thought.

   "I'm in the kitchen!!" I shouted back, without further ado, I heard her running towards me and hugged my waist from the back. I felt her breaths beside my neck as she kissed it. "I've  missed you honeyy.." she says. I let out a sigh, "How are you back here so early? How's work?" I asked as I removed her tight hug around my waist, I turned to look at her smiling widely, I wrapped my hands around her neck.

  "I didn't really went to work... hehe.."  she says cheerfully. "Hmm? Where did you go?..." I asked, I notice she was smelly by the sweat in her white office shirt. "...and why do you smell so.. sweaty?" I added making her chuckle. "Oh.. nothing, just went out with kirk at the gym near the company... I thought I could give it a try.." she said and kissed my cheeks, I blushed..

   "Go... take a bath!! You look awfully smelly Freen!!" I pushed her not to roughly as she laughed. "C'monnn I didn't sweat that hard you know!" She complained. "Just.. Go take a bath!!" I instructed her. She leaned forward to me and captured my lips, she gave me a couple of pecks and she went to take a bath, leaving me blushing.

Freen's pov:

     I went up to take a quick bath, I did tell her that I went training with Kirk, and that's not a lie.. well, we really did go to the gym to strengthen up myself a bit. My whole body felt numb after that 3-hour training. Thankfully my 1-hour rest is enough to make my body energy regain.. if this training with Kirk goes well, I might actually accomplish something for the protection I am willingly give to Rebecca and also to our future little Family. It sounds cute..

   Soo cutee to see a cheeky little Rebecca running around.. a mini me with becky's pointy nose, mouth covered with icecream... is just SUPER CUTE!! I can't wait!!

   "What are you smiling about hmm? Some hoochie models you thinking?" I saw Rebecca entering the bathroom, while me sitting on the bathtub, covered with bubbles. I chuckled, "nahh.. I was wondering what if someday I'll meet a mini me with your pointy nose.. SUPER CUTE!!" I excitedly say. I heard her laughing.. "you have been thinking about that already huh...?" She says quietly..

  Huh?? It's not the reaction I'm expecting from her...
Is she not ready yet?.. ...

"I..I'm just joking.. of course... haha.." I rubbed the back of my neck with the scrub. "How could you joke with something like that? Huh Freen?" She says while sitting at the edge of the tub.

  And now she's angry of me Joking about having a little kid?  A while ago she was not that eager on having one.. and now she has the opposite reaction compared with the earlier reaction she had...

You're giving me mixed signals Becky.. I hope you'll tell what's on your mind...

"Hey! I'm talking to you Sarocha!" She snapped me out. "Uh.. huh?" I said confused. "I said.. HOW COULD YOU JOKE ABOUT HAVING A LITTLE MINI YOU!! I MEAN ITS SUPER CUTE REALLY!! But.."

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