Chapter 34

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"F-Freen.. You've grown.. how have you been?" The old woman in front of her said as she walked towards her and hugged her, but Freen didn't flinch as she's standing still.

F's pov:

I looked at the woman who just hugged me, she looked just like me.. is she really my lost mother? But how? Dad said she died.. or did she?

I looked at Becky beside me and she had the same expression as me too.. becky and I exchanged looks with confusion and looked at dad.

"Sarocha.. I know this is not the best time and not the best place but this.. is your Mother.." Dad said while the woman beside him or my so called "Mother" smiling at me.

"No... I don't want to ruin the mood.. you can do whatever you do but please.. don't make me confused right now.." I said and was about to walk away with Becky but Dad held my hand.

"Sar.. daughter.. L-let's go out tomorrow afternoon alright?" Dad said and I looked at my future wife currently asking for permission.

Becky smiled at me and nodded lightly reassuring me.. I looked at dad and I just nodded and walked away with Becky to the food area.


R's pov

I noticed my fiancé has been off lately since her dad just introduced her "Mother" to her on this special day and it seemed like she wasn't interested on meeting her mother at all.

I realized that I've known only half of my Fiancé's life.. atleast she told me some of it.. but I'm most willing for her to be ready to tell me some of the things she hadn't told me before.. 

  "Babe?" I was so caught off guard by my thoughts that I had ignored Freen..

"Y-Yes baby? What's the matter?" I replied to her while she pouts like a little kid.

Aww cutie..

"I should be asking you that.. What's wrong? You've been spaced out lately.. I've been calling you for minutes now.. you're brother is here... look"  she said and pointed at the direction where Richie was.

I smiled.

"Hey.. I'm ok alright? Now come, let's meet the ugly brother of mine.." I said as we headed to my brother.

"Richie! This is Freen, my Future-wife and your future sister-in-law!" I said as I pinched his back.

"Ow! No need to pinch me like that sis! And well hello there Future Sister-In-Law.. nice to finally meet you.."

My brother said as he straightened out his hand for Freen to shake it.

"I'm Richard Patrion Armstrong, the oldest and most handsome brother of Rebecca Patricia Armstrong-Chankimha! And I like to be honest with you.. you're pretty.." He added and winked at Freen when saying that she's pretty.

I glared at him and pinched his back again. But this time, more forcefully making him groan in pain and finally letting go of my Fiancé's hand. I smirked.

"Oh come on brother.. don't lie.. you're not handsome AT ALL and thankyou.. I know my Wife is pretty.. unlike you.." I said and looked at him with disgust.. but we both know that we're just teasing each other..

"Ughh.. Flexing your Wife already?🙄" He said and Freen chuckled.

"Maybe.." I shrugged and held Freen's hands tightly..

"Hey, you two.. cut it.. It's time for dinner.. have you eaten yet Richie?" Asked Freen to my brother.

"Uhm.. no, not yet.. and Freen, Can I please make a word with you later? After dinner maybe.." my brother said in seriousness. I was curious but I knew it was about some business but I'll leave it to those two.. they're the masterminds here..

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