Chapter 24

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R's pov

A minute or two had passed after that passionate kiss we had and I still haven't got over it by now. It was lovely, it was another thing that I haven't expecting to happen. Turns out that we have been hiding these feeling for too long. I didn't expect it until Freen had confessed her feelings, I know she's drunk but that wasn't an exception for her to confess her feelings to me.

After that kiss, silence was now speaking loudly for the both of us. We just stared at each other's eyes, I was staring at those two lovely hazel eyes that had captured my heart. It was full of love and something that I can't seem to recognize. I was shocked as she kissed me again, I tried to get out from her grip but she was hella strong like a man.

She pulled out from the kiss as we were about to lose our breaths, she leaned on me and I thought she'll kiss me again buy instead, she put her head on my neck. And her breath was tickling it, her breath felt hot maybe because of the alcohol effect. And the last thing I felt in her. She fell asleep..

"Freen? Hey.." I said as I tried to waken her senses up. She just left me a groan and she didn't open her eyes. "Freen wake up.. I'll lead you to the room if you're going to sleep.." I said and she slowly lift her head up.

I helped her get down from the tall stool she was sitting and helped her walk towards the stairs. It was really hard for me because she was really heavy like shit. My right arm was numb because of supporting her whole body through our journey to get her upstairs at her own room. (Master's bedroom)

(^-w-^) fast forward~~

I finally let Freen rest in her bedroom, she's now sitting at her bed. Well technically, it's OUR bed now cause since then we started sleeping next to each other. She was hugging my waist not wanting to let go of me while she was sitting in bed and her face buried in my stomach. I tried to get off from her tight hug but she's much stronger then me.

"Freen..?" I asked softly while caressing her thin hair.
"Hmm?" She shortly replied.
"Can you let go of me so you can rest properly at the bed?" I said and gently tapping her back but she just replied with a nod from left to right which she was saying 'NO'.

I sighed, "fine.. what do you want to do? And remember.. you're still inebriated Freen.." I said and her head moved upwards and she looked at me, her cheeks was bright pink like a she was blushing but it was because of the alcohol. She drank so much and I know she'd been drinking since.. well I don't know how long she had been drinking.. I only poured small amount of wine in the trash, maybe she drunk 1/4 of it? I didn't know we had wine in one of the cupboards in the kitchen. Well, I think I know who put that there. But I'll deal with it later.. what will I be dealing right now is this big baby clinging onto me like a koala.

"I want you to lay down in bed with me.." she said wearing her puppy dog eyes, gosh, is she pleading?
She knew I can't refuse her specially when she does that puppy dog eyes!

I sighed feeling defeated, "haysh, alright.." I said and looked at the walk clock. 4:05? Why did the time go fast just like that? I thought I left at the mall a bit earlier but now It's 4:05? What kind of world is this?

I sat down with her and I took my phone out of my pocket and set the alarm to 5:00 p.m. because I'll cook dinner for us. I turned around to see Freen cozied up with her blanket and she was wearing my blue cardigan, Where did she get that?? What a sneaky little shithead she is!

But she looked cute though..

"Come here and cuddle up with me. Stop staring at me or I'll melt" she said and I got shy at the last sentence she said. "I..I was not s-staring at you!" I disagree, "sure.. keep telling that to yourself!" She said and smirked. Why you.. if you're not drunk right now, I could've just chopped u like a meat and fry you!!

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