Chapter 31: Glimpse about Freen's Past

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F's pov:

    "Is there a secret that you've been hiding from me since the very start..?"


   I was taken aback by her question. I think this is the time I'll say my deepest secret but I'm afraid she'll be disgusted when I say this, that's why I kept it a secret.

  Since I was a child, I wasn't born like this. Dad doesn't know this either only Mom knew this and I don't know why dad knew about this but this involves his "Boyfriend".

  When dad left me and my mom when I was young, his boyfriend, the guy he was with was a very good looking man. Well, he was but now his was was burnt. And that ex boyfriend of his was a mad scientist who kidnaps youngsters to be an example of his foolish experiments.

   I was one if the youngsters who were kidnapped. He had used kids for his experiments and that I am one of them that was being used. The kids he kidnapped were helpless, some died out of hunger, some died out of fear and some died out of his foolishness. He tied our hands with strong ropes, covered each of our lips with a tape.

    I never really knew what happened next, but I woke up in a hospital bed but I wasn't in a hospital. I realized that my lower body was naked. But I was covered with a silk blanket on top. I tried to get out of the bed but unfortunately, I was tied up.

  I saw him from the dark distance, he wasn't wearing a surgical mask that's why I recognized him. He was wearing surgical gloves and was holding a red pill and an injection.

  He came close to me as I cried out of fear. He took the opportunity to stick the injection into my neck as all went black after then.


   I woke up for the second time, my whole body felt numb. I felt weak. I wanted to cry out for mom, but my mouth was sealed. I felt something heavy from my lower part. I looked down. And I saw something that was a part of a boy's body. I thought that I was just dreaming but I heard cries of other kids from the other room. Me as a 5 year old girl was smart, I wanted to get out of this room to save them but I couldn't even save myself.

   He came into the room with another injection. He smirked seeing his experiment on me worked. He then looked at me grinning like he was about to kill me.

   He injected another injection on my shoulder as I felt more weak. Until suddenly a strong banging sound was heard. Shouting from kids was heard and there screamed the police.

   They surrounded the room and my mon was one of them. I didn't know mom was a police officer.  They all instructed to let me go. He slowly started to unclip all of the things that were gripping me.

  He held me up and slowly let me down and aggressively pushed me making me scream in pain.

I was wearing a hospital dress with my lower part started to feel pain. I groaned in pain as my mom carried me away. The police took the Man to jail and let the other kids go.

  And I never knew what happened next when my mom rushed me to the hospital.


    "Freen, babe.. hello?" Becky woke me up to reality.
"Y-yes?" I said.
    "You were spacing out all of the sudden and I was calling you but you looked like you were about to cry.. what happened? Did my question went to far?" She said concerned.

"No.. I'm sorry if I just spaced out.." I apologize.

"It's ok. If you're not comfortable telling me you're secret, maybe tell me when you're ready.. I'm always here for you.. you know I love you right?" She said assured me that it's ok.

I gathered the courage to just tell her the truth about me, not waiting for her to find out herself.

"I think i'll t-tell you now.. I'm ready.." I said and she smiled.

"Alright.." she replied.

We sat in a comfortable position. she is in front of me as I am in front of her. We were sitting opposite to each other and I started talking.

   "I.. have a t-thing.." I said as she was confused.

"Like a thing that a guy has.." I said never wanted to look at her for I am embarrassed at myself.

"I know.." she said that made me shocked.

"H-How d-did you know?.."  I shuttered.

"Well, it was kind of obvious.. when you haven't recovered your memories back, you and your dad had an argument about having a grandchild with me. I was really confused until I had noticed you not wearing any girly stuff like dresses or skirts. Only just pants and shirts. I-I'm sorry that I interfere with your stuffs when you're not here.. I wanted to borrow a shirt from you .. and I kind of went into your underwear drawer and saw a boxer shorts. I thought that it was your Dad's but your dad doesn't live here.. that's when I realized it."

  She said and blushed. I was also embarrassed by this but now she knew.. I don't have to hide it anymore..

"But why did you ask if you already knew..?" I asked.

"I was thinking that you'll be the one who tell it to me because I didn't believe it at first." She said.

"Are you not disgust about me..?"

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