Chapter 23

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R's Pov:


Wait... that voice.. as I looked up to see him, I was right! It was Him!

— — — —

"Bec.. How are you? Long time no see!" He said while grabbing my arms, I smiled at him at the thought that he still remembered me.

"I'm fine Non, How about you?" I replied as he smiled at me widely. "I'm alright...for now.." he responded with a quite disappointed tone at the last two words he said. I looked at him worriedly and asked "since when did you got back here? I thought you'll stay at England forever.." I asked and he looked away. "Can.. we talk a bit more privately, this place seems crowded.." he said with a serious tone. And he led me to a small cafeteria in the mall where there was only minimum of people and there he started talking again.

"Mom was diagnosed with cancer in her breast and my dad's small company in England was getting bankrupt because of what happened to me and mom, well, it was partly my fault." He said and I listened.

"What had happened to you though?" I asked
"oh! Uhm you don't need to answer that if you're not comfortable!.." I added and he chuckled. "It's fine, I can handle it." He responded and continued to answer my question.

"Well, I got into and accident when riding my motorbike around our place in Manchester and dad was furious, there he paid all of my expenses just for me to be alive again.. and when we got the news that mom was diagnosed with breast cancer, he was feeling upset and depressed. He did everything to cure mom that he had to sacrifice his own happiness which was his company... that's why I'm here to get a job to help my parents out.." he blurted out and I felt bad for him..

I was his best friend since middle school but he has to move out from Thailand to England because of his dad... England was his hometown and his birthplace, they just moved here because his mom lives here and they went back to England and stayed there for a long time.

"I can help you find a job here..!" I suggested and he smiled.. "thank you so much bec! I'll accept any job you'll be suggesting to me.. even if that's not any of my passion.." he said and I was thinking of what could be a better job that could fit in to Non..

"What do you do often when you were in England?" I asked. "Well, I started to learn taekwondo in England. And my dad forced me to practice using a gun and knives. I learned how to fight this past years. And I've got pretty much stronger than before..." he said and I thought of what job could fit him.

"Be my personal Assistant! And protect me! You can do that right?!" I said and he looked at me like he'd seen a ghost. "Your what?! No I can't..!" He said and continuously shook his head a million times.

"You can Non! This job will fit you! I could pay you a lot or even double your salary for a month! You can stop this job if you want to.. but I just suggested it.." I said and looked at the clock on my watch (12:47 p.m). And I realize that Freen had called and texted me a million times. Oh, gosh why did I even put my phone on "Do not Disturb"?!

I looked at Non and I can see he was battling with himself on whether he'll accept my offer or not. So I got a piece of paper in my sling bag and a pen and wrote my number.

"Here, call me if you agree or what, I gotta go now! See you when I see you Non!" I said in a rush and went out of the cafeteria.

I called Freen so many times but she didn't answer. I called P'Nam and asked if Freen was with them but she said that Freen told them that she'll go home because she's not feeling well and they thought that I went with Freen. I started to panic, I was feeling guilty for leaving her like that.. and our milk tea was probably a waste right now...

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