Chapter 36

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Nam's pov:

   Dear god.. I literally didn't just hear them kissing right?.. where the hell is my husband? I can't just hear them making out.. and they didn't close the fucking door. Sighh... those girls can't wait until I go.. am I third wheeling here? Arghh!!

   Oh thank goodness my hubby's here.. . Those two are dirty as fuck.. yuck...

F's pov:

   After making love for two rounds, my love and I took a quick rest. She's right here resting on top of me, her head is beside my neck, while I gently caressing her hair.

     "Love.. oh shit.. I didn't lock the door didn't I?!"
I said as she laughed. "Baby.. don't worry.. no one heard us thankfully.." she replied kissing my neck.

"You forgot about P'Nam, Didn't you?" I said while her eyes grew. "Oh fuck.. what if she heard us??" She says.

   "The teasing later won't stop babe.. just be careful about her mouth.. she doesn't know what she's talking about sometimes.." I sighed saying those words.. but atleast I made love with my fiancé.

  "Babyy... don't you think we'll ever have a baby..? I mean.. you seemed to love P'Nam's baby... you even called it your bean.. I just wished we could have one.."
  She said that made me smile.

"Aww.. love.. I'm sorry if my sperm is infertile.. if not.. you should be impregnated by me, myself.." I said proudly as I heard her chuckled.

And yeah.. sooner we found out that I am infertile, the doctor said that whatever the scientist drugged me that made my semen can't form into a bean.. like as in make a child.

I saw my love pouting beside me. Aww is she that desperate on having our own little bean? It's cute.. I chuckled kissing her pouty lips..

  "C'mon babe.. P'Nam might be waiting for us... can you still walk?" I said smirking but I earned a glare from her. I tried to help her get up but she wouldn't let me. She tried to stand up on her on but obviously failed, I smirked and was about to laugh at her but her glares kept me from laughing.

  "Hey hey... I'm sorry if you craved for it alright?? Here, let me help you.." I said and went beside her, I grabbed her feet and and carried her bridal style.. she's still in my oversized shirt..

  We took a bath together, and NO WE DID NOT DO IT AGAIN! I swear!! I just kissed her neck... it's so.. addictive.. only her neck and lips!! Nothing more..!!

   After that, we changed into a couple shirts, she's wearing a skirt underneath and mine's aesthetic pants.. our combination was Beige, brown and tan.

I checked the clock, 8:48 am, still a couple of hours until P'Nam's gender reveal... I bet my cupcake is happy right now, I mean.. look at her smiling widely since the beginning.. so cutee.. how I wish we could have our own..

"Freen!! Babee let's goo!! I want to know the baby's gender!! Omg I'm so excited!! At the same time nervous.."  she said clinging onto my arms and dragged me to the parking lot. I chuckled seeing her this excited.

"Why are you nervous though?.." I asked, "well, if it's not a girl.. then you might be disappointed.. you wanted a girl.. so maybe I am more nervous and excited than the mother herself." We laughed and headed to the car.

  I opened the car door for her and when she finished settling down, I proceeded to the driver's seat and we drove off to the hospital with some Taylor Swift music added..


     We have arrived safely at the Doctor's Hospital, where P'Nam and her husband were already waiting for us. We parked the car at the vip parking lot, and headed towards where P'Nam will be waiting.

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