Chapter 10

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Rebecca's POV
       I rushed towards the hospital with my motorbike with the feeling of guilt building up towards my throat. Hang in there Freen.. I'm coming... I quickly parked my motorbike at the front parking lot of the SRCH HOSPITAL. And hurriedly pulled out my helmet and walked hurriedly towards the entrance and head to the counter where I asked.. "Excuse me Do you have a patient named Sarocha Chankimha??" I said sweating "Yes Ma'am! She's now at the vip laboratory. They're doing medical surgery. You can come follow me ma'am if you are a legal guardian nor a relative of the patient." The nurse said


"I.. I am.. married to her! I am her wife Rebecca Patricia Arm... Chankimha. You can also look at my marriage certificate for info. Can you please lead me towards her." I said hesitantly. "Alright Mrs. Chankimha. You can follow me this way please." She said leading me to a not crowded hallway until we headed to the vip room where there was  a decade of nurses waiting outside of that room. "Excuse me everybody!" The nurse said while walking towards the vip room where I saw Freen lying in bed with a bandaged on her head and some on her neck side. "Here you go ma'am. If you need anything else. Please inform me or the other nurses." The nurse said "I'm fine, thankyou nurse.." i said while she silently walked out and closed the door.

   Now it's silent with only the beeping sounds of the monitor were heard. I walked over to sit at the chair next to Freen's bed and held her arm eve if it has many dextroses. "I'm so sorry for everything I did Freen. Sorry for hiding the truth to you. If I followed you and stopped you from running. I could have prevented this to happen. I.." suddenly the door sprung open showing uncle Fran..

"Sarocha...?" He said running toward Freen and he hugged her. "What the h.ll happened to you?!!" He said angrily as if Freen could here it. He then looked at me surprised. "Sorry, I didn't see you there Rebecca.. You can go home now. Sorry for troubling you about my daughter here. She's going to be alright. Hehe."  He said to me but I replied

   "No sir. I.. I am willing to take care of your daughter day by day from now on." I said but he chuckled "Freen doesn't even need someone to take care of her. She grew up all alone in our house. She grew up independently. I was never beside her.HAHA I left her with her mother since she was still like a year old. I am so stupid for leaving them." I was about so ask why he left them but then the doctor who treated Freen came inside.

    "Good evening sir- Sir Chankimha! G..good E..evening..I am Sarocha Chankimha's doctor. You can call me doc. Saint Suppapong." the doctor said. Why is he nervous? We greeted the doctor with respect and he continued. "Your daughter sir has a major injury in her head that has caused it to bleed and there is a possibility that she may fall into a deep coma. But don't worry sir and ma'am, there is a 10.5 percent chance that she may wake up and won't fall into a coma. We will continue to treat her wounds until it heals. We will also inform you of the healing treatment of Sarocha Chankimha. Thank you sir." Doc Saint said then he bid good bye to us. So it is me and Uncle Fran is here in the room.

    "You know Rebecca... Freen is such a good kid from the past." I heard Uncle Fran started to talk while heading to the couch. And I still sat beside Freen while caressing her hand. "Really sir?" I said and the chuckled "you can call me dad you know.. well.. yeah. She has been good with ger mother. She helped her mother Recover from her illness. She worked hard on her studies untik she graduated. I never gave them two money. I was so selfish back then. Freen worked two night shifts jobs for her to pay he school tuitions. I took Freen with me since her mother died before she graduated. The reason I left her with her mother is that I cheated. I.. I... fell in love with a man.. and left them.. but the man I fell inlove with knew that I had a daughter. He broke up with me. And since that time. I blame all of it to Freen.. I.. made her suffer.. I accused her cause I thought she's the reason why the man I fell inlove with left. Until now I realized I've done such a big mess.. I don't know how to fix this shits... all I can ask now is for you Rebecca.. can you take care of Freen for me?" He said while I felt my eyes started to tear up.

I never knew Freen had this lifestyle.. That's why she's afraid that i'll tell her dad.. I can take care of her sir.. I'll take good care of your daughter now.. don't worry..

"Of course dad.. I can take care of Freen when she wakes up.. B..But the- " "Don't worry about the hospital bills.. I own this hospital though.. hehe.."

THE FREAKK?! THEY OWN THIS HOSPITAL?? So that's why she is in this VIP room.. and also the name is SCRH stands for Sarocha.. I think?

"O..Okay dad.. I promise you.. I'll take good care of your daugh- " I was sudden shock when a girl came out of nowhere burst inside the room without knocking. She then headed to Freen and hugged her then Two guys followed her from behind.
"FREEENIEEEE!!" She said crying. I then let go of Freen's hand and stood up. She saw me but she continued to cry.. "Nam! She's still unconscious! She isn't wake up yet you dummy!" The guy beside her said.. "shut up! She's my Freen! What did you do to her!" She continued to cry.

. Is she owning Freen or what?

"You pregnant woman! Stop hugging her!" The other guy behind her said.
Pregnant? Is she pregnant? Maybe.. thats what she said

"Hey Nam! Her wife is here! And her Father! Have some respect first!" The man behind her said. "Oh, gosh I'm sorry." She said wiping her tears away. "Good evening Miss..??" She said looking at me weirdly "Rebecca Patricia Arm- Chankimha.." i said then they looked at each other. "Y..your My Freen's wife huh? Your pretty." She said while eyeing me top to bottom.. weird
"Hey dad!! Good eveningg" she said heading towards Freen's father.

Dad? What is she to freen??

"HEY DADDYY!!" The two guys then headed to uncle fran too.. and they hugged him. "Hey guys! I miss you three..I almost didn't recognize you all HAHA" Uncle Fran said.. then they all let go of their hug and they continued to talk.. "Rebecca.. come here please.." he said as I took a quick look at Freen then headed to them.. "this is Freen's best friends who is also my children.. this is Nam Orntara Poonsak. And that tall guy here is Heng Asavarrid and this boyish one is Tee Natchicha. They are all your phi, Rebecca." He said introducing them to me and I just smiled and nodded "nice to meet you all.." I simply said but the truth is.. They've forgotten that Freen is still in bed. "Alright. I'll be back next time to visit here.. I've got some work to do.. Rebecca.. I have trust in you alright? Thank you very much and Oh! Here.. I'll give this to you for your daily needs.." he said while handing me A bunch of cash but not gonna lie.. I'm a bit hungry.. so I accepted it.. and he left me with Freen's Friends.

Author's note:

long chapter for you guys, cause I think I can't update for the next few days.. thankyou for the 1K readss!! i do appreciate you all🥹🥹 this is my first story... so I can't exactly know how to do a character 😭 thank you again for the support!! Byee girlfreens and angelss

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