Chapter seven: a twist?

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Freen's Pov:

Since Rebecca and her 'girlfriend' is going out today.. I Have NOTHING to do.. I wanted to work, but dad will be angry at me for not obeying him.. So I just texted my buddiesss

 So I just texted my buddiesss

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GREATT😭 p'nam is busy.. even though she's pregnant. She still works 🙄 I guess I'll ask P'tee then...

 She still works 🙄 I guess I'll ask P'tee then

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UGH! Why is people rn so.. URG! P'Heng is my only chance

 URG! P'Heng is my only chance

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YEYY P'Heng isn't busyy!    I texted P'Heng the adress of our house and prepared the puppy for I am bringing him with me

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YEYY P'Heng isn't busyy!

I texted P'Heng the adress of our house and prepared the puppy for I am bringing him with me.. For a few minutes passed.. I saw a familiar car in front of our house.. It's P'Heng!. I excitedly got inside of his car with our dog.. "Hey P'Heng. Good afternoon!" I greeted him as a respect because he is 2 years older than me, "good afternoon to you too Freen, and Hii to you little boy!! Am ur uncle Heng! Your dadi and I are best buds!" He said while patting his head.. WAIT? DADI??! "shut the furk up Phi! I am not related to this dog, I'm just doing my job of taking care of Rebecca's belongings!" I said to him rolling my eyes and then the dog bit me "Auch!You little..." i was shocked, why did that dog bit me! Is it because I said that were not related? HOW CAN A DOG UNDERSTAND?? LIKE?? TF??

~•~•~•~•~•~•~•FAST FORWARD•~•~•~••~•~•~•

Rebecca's Pov:

   Who the hell is that boy she's with.. carrying tons of bags for Freen.. is he her bodyguard or smth?P.A? Boyfriend?! That can't be right... right? She doesn't have a boyfriend??  
  "Hey Rebecca.. I heard that Sarocha is something else..." i heard Friend said while looking at the same persons I'm looking at "what?" I replied.. "they say.. That, that boy is like the 24th boyfriend of that girl.. I also heard that she only uses them to be her s3x slaves, are you sure your safe with living with her? Maybe everything she cooks has something in it.I don't trust her for you babe.. you're my one and only girl.. I can't afford to lose you because of that liar.. don't listen to all of her words" Friend said makibg me shocked in disbelief..

is it really true? how can I say that it's true?  But she looks innocent in my eyes....

     "If you don't believe me.. then be with her! And leave me! Do you have a choice? If you choose her then I don't want to be your girlfriend anymore!" She continued is that a threat thing? "I..I be..believe you! Really!" I said unsure with my own words "You won't leave me.. right becky?" She said "i wont.." I said and once again unsure about my own words.. "if she say anything to you.. make sure you slap her and make sure she's well tortured in your hands babe.. she deserves it... because my cousin is one of her slaves for a week!" Friend said continuously blabbering about how bad Freen is until the end of our dinner date.. "do you understand me babe?? Make sure she learns her mistakes!" She said then she sent me home...

   I am now sitting at the the upper balcony of our house, watching the view of the city and all the other houses.. All of Friend said about Freen is still echoing inside my head.. what if it's true that Freen is like that? What if I become one of her slaves someday if I kept being nice to her..... I got caught off of my thoughts when I saw a white BMW 7th series parked infront of our house, and I thought that's not Freen's car...I hurriedly ran downstairs to see who is it exactly..
   When I reached the door I didn't open it directly, I carefully listened if that is really Freen, I was cut off when someone said "alright nong, I had a great time with you too! Next time we'll invite nam and tee so we can share them our exciting news! love you nong!!" The man said "you too phi! Be careful on the road alright? Love you too! Text me if ya got home! Byee! P'heng!" A girl said is that Freen's voice? Is he Freen's new boyfriend that fell for her words too? THE HELL???
      I hurriedly straighten up myself because the door is opening...and there I saw the smiling Miss Sarocha I looked at her weirdly and..


  "HOW DARE YOU FREEN? IS HE YOUR NEW BOYFRIEND NOW HUH? TO BE YOU SLAVE??!!" I said angrily But I didn't feel bad about my slap to her.. she deserved it.. "OUCH REVECCA! What are you even talking about!? He is not even my boyf-"


   "NOT YOUR BOYFRIEND HUH?? THEN WHAT IS HE? YOUR SLAVE? AND LEAVE HIM ALONE WHEN YOU'RE DONE WITH YOUR PLEASURE AND SELFISH DEEDS! WHAT KIND OF PERSON ARE YOU?! ARE YOU EVEN FIT FOR THE POSITION OF A CEO? AHAHHA PATHETIC! MAYBE YOUR FATHER DIDN'T REALLY TREATED YOU AS HIS DAUGHTER BECAUSE YOU'RE A SLUT! Who.." I stopped when I heard our dog barking loudly at me... I looked up to see Freen crying... I kind of felt bad but I won't stop until she says the truth about her REAL personality yet..
    She ran upstairs and I heard her slamming the door but not really rough..
                                •FREEN'S POV•

    After I bid goodbye to P'heng, I excitedly go to our front door to surprise Rebecca that I bought our dog some supplies and also some dog treats and foods.. But when I opened the door, I saw Rebecca looking weird at me, I was about to ask what's wrong But....


She slapped me, what did I even do to her?!

"HOW DARE YOU FREEN? IS HE YOUR NEW BOYFRIEND NOW HUH? TO BE YOU SLAVE??!!" She continued  what slave?? What is she even talking about?! "What are you even talking about!? He is not even my boyf-"



  I was surprised to hear what she said. I'm not that S word.. I didn't even have a boyfriend. What did I even do? I can't cry right now.. I need to be strong, but it hurts me alot when she said that my father didn't treat me as her daughter because I'm an S word..

     I ran upstairs crying... I don't know why, but it hurts.. I love Rebecca as my business partner because dad said... I know that dad loves me too.. I am not that S word... what Rebecca said Really affected me.. I didn't even want to be the CEO of my company.. all I wanted was dad to recognize my name...
For a few hours of crying, I felt my eyes started to get heavy.. so I slept.. I don't care if I won't wake up tomorrow..

Hey gaes sorry for the late upload🙌🙌
Sorry if I made Freen and becky this way but PROMISE YOU ALL THAT I'LL FIX THIS MESS!
goodnight/day girlfreens and angelss

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