Chapter 5

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   ★Rebecca's Pov:

"L..Let's sleep together then!" The words escaped in my damn mouth, WHY TF DID I SAID THAT!?
  I'm literally sweating not because of the temperature but because of what I said, I really don't know why that shit came out of my mouth. Our atmosphere is silent now, no one ever dared to talk. But! As the one who made the atmosphere silent, I'm the one who will make it not silent again, "if you want to.." I shyly said and I heard her slightly chuckle, I slowly looked at her,
   and there I saw her crescent eyes while she smiled.. "why do you want me to sleep with you tho?" She said while laughing, I smiled while looking at her laughing.. "you're afraid of the dark, aren't you?" She said that made me back to reality and glared at her "I'm not!!" I said and rolling my eyes at her. "So.. if you're not scared of the dark, then sleep alone.. with that wide bed.. and you're the only one who's sleeping there.. and no desk lamp turned on..and you can feel something under your bed...." She said threatening me.."STOPP!! Alright!! I'm afraid of the dark! Happy now??" I said and stormed off to the master's bedroom and slammed the door
     I heard her laughing crazily at the living room.. "Alright Rebecca! I'll sleep with you, but only for tonight though.. just don't be angry" she said and I heard footsteps getting closer at the door, "Rebecca?.." she said and knocked at the door. "What do you want?" I said while slightly opening the door and peeked.. "do you want to accompany me? I'll go for a night walk.. it's only 8:00 pm.." she said and I was hesitating for a bit but I agreed..
   {while walking}
     "Rebecca?" Freen said that made me look at her in a questioning look.. "Yes Freen?" I asked her as she led me to a small bench infront of our house. "I don't really get it Rebecca.." she said and I replied "get what exactly Freen?" I asked and she looked at me "This.. I don't get this.. Dad said that you're only my business partner but he also said that I should treat you right.. like a husband treats her wife.. I don't really get why he said that.. you should only be my business partner, while he said that if he gets any information of me not treating you right.. he won't see me as his daughter anymore... I felt like dad has changed.. he doesn't really force me what to do." She said and i'm still looking at her and i saw that she's getting teary.. wait

   There must be a reason why uncle Fran didn't tell her that she signed in a marriage contract with me.. I can't tell her that now either..
I gave her my spare handkerchief in my pocket.. "I am your business partner Freen, but I also don't get why our dads want us to live together.. I only know that your dad is helping our company alive again.. but I don't know what has to do with us living together.." I'm such a total liar.. sorry Freen.. I want uncle Fran to tell you this.. "stop crying already.. I think uncle Fran is just angry and he let his anger on you.. i'm sure he regrets that phrase.." I said and made her head lean on my shoulder, she is slightly taller than me (maybe 4-5 inches) "you're right Rebecca.. thank you for.." she suddenly stopped talking and stood up and walked at a small bush.. As I was about to ask what's wrong, she shouted "ITS A PUPPYYY.. eating a.. bone?" She said while pointing at that small bush.

    I quickly ran up to her and also looked at the puppy.. "He looks lost Freen.. can I take him home with us?? Pleaseeee" I begged her and she didn't have a choice.. she agreed making me jump in excitement.. I slowly head towards the small puppy who is chewing a bone.. "hey there little guy.. what's your name?? I'm Rebecca Patricia.. your new mami! I'm going to take you home ok? Come here!" I said as I bent down to catch him but he barked at me..
    I was quite scared for a while but I just think that this dog is my soulmate so I turned my swift move on and quickly snatched him.. he started barking at me for getting him "Rebecca! He might bite you!" Freen said, I saw the puppy widen his mouth to bite me so I closed my eyes.. but I didn't feel a thing. I opened my eyes to see Freen's hand in the mouth of the puppy and it's slightly bleeding "Freen!!" I said and I started to panic I quickly removed Freen's hand on that puppy's mouth.. and ran to our house dragging Freen while my other hand carrying the dog that has bitten Freen..
  When we've arrived at our house.. I gently put the puppy down and closed the door for it not to escape.. I hurriedly let Freen sit in the couch and I immediately ran to get the first aid  kit "It doesn't even hurt Rebecca, don't worry.." I heard her say but I didn't listen.. when I got the first aid kit. I quickly headed back to Freen and sat beside her.. I took her hand that has the dog's bite and sprayed it some alcohol "AUCHH!! Rebecca! That hurtss!" She said while shaking her hand off me "JUST STAY STILL FREEN! It won't hurt if you just stay still!" I said and she stayed still, she's a very good listener.

    she stayed silent for a while but the dog just kept on barking and scratching the door. "Can't that dog shut up just a minute?" Freen said looking at the dog we kidnapped outside.. " I don't think so.." I replied while putting the plaster in her hand so it doesn't get any germs and it won't swell. "Is that ok now Freen?" I asked while looking at her worriedly "it's alright now, thanks to you!" We haven't realized that we stayed up until 10:00 p.m. "I think I have some sandwiches in the fridge, you can feed them to that dog, I'll buy some dog foods and treat's tomorrow" Freen said that made my eyes sparkle she actually accepted the dog that bit her! "Okeyy Freen!" I said standing up to clean the first aid kit but she stopped me "don't worry, I'll clean it, you feed that dog first. And then we sleep" she said and I agreed.
   I ran up towards the fridge and saw the amount of sandwiches stored there (it's only 20) did she made this much?  Maybe she's hungry every time i guess?.
I took two of the sandwiches in the fridge, the one is for the puppy and one is for me, maybe I'll give her some too.. I took another sandwich and I fed the dog. I saw Freen heading towards me and I walked to her and gave her a sandwich "here you go Freen, one for you" I said and she gladly took it and ate it. I ate my sandwich and head towards the non-stop barking dog and knelt down.
     "Here you go puppy! Your sandwich so you wont bark anymore" I heard Freen chuckled at the back "do you think he'll understand you Rebecca?" Freen said while I didn't stop calling the dog to come to me to eat his sandwich. "I'm sure he understands me! COME HERE PUPPY!!" I shouted that makes The puppy look up to me and when he saw the sandwich I'm holding, He ran up to me and sat in front of me waiting for me to give him the sandwich.. "see? He understands!" I said making Freen laugh and I also laugh too.

    After we fed the puppy his sandwich, he ran up to Freen and sat in her lap, Freen was startled by his actions.. but when I was about to get him off of Freens lap, I saw him asleep. They're so cute together.. aww "Rebecca.. i think he likes my lap." Freen said while patting his head gently. "I think so too, Freen. But how can you sleep if he's laying on your lap?" I asked and she just shrugged.
It was now 10:34 p.m, I headed to the master's bedroom to take a quick bath while Freen was preparing a small mat and some pillows for the puppy to sleep on. When I got out from my bath, saw Freen gently putting the puppy down the bed she made. She's so gentle. "Oh, Rebecca.. your done already? I'll go out so you can change and I'll just take a bath in the other bathrooms.." Freen said and I just nod in agreement.

Broo😭 am out of ideas now because of my math Teacher! I'll update the next part, maybe tomorrow if I'm not busy. Thankyou for your support on my storyy!! I appreciate ya'll. Goodnight/day girlfreens and angelss!✨✨🫶🏻

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