Chapter 11

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Rebecca's Pov

Since uncle Fran left, Freen's Friends treats me to dinner and we chatted long about Freen. About how she managed to try everything for her father to be proud of her.... I did not ask why, I am curious though... Freen's Friends seemed nice. I like their company, they talked about the funniest and sometimes the blue part of Freen's life but not too much tho.. They said that Freen is always getting bullied at their school and there they all met.

I was proud of Freen that she did tried her best fkr everything but I also felt bad cause she did not reached her dreams to be an artist. But after a while, my phone rang so I excused myself. It was Friend who called me so I hesitantly accepted it. "Beckyy hii. What's up? You free tonight? My treat!" She said. What's she so happy about? "I can't right now babe.." i replied "why? You taking care of your DEAD wife?" She said emphasizing the 'DEAD' word.

Freen is not dead yet. She's strong. I know she can do this.

"What do you mean d3ad wife? She's not even D3ad yet. How dare you to call her that?" Words that slipped off my mouth that I never realized I'm still talking to my girlfriend. "Oh well. I am SO SO sorry to call her your DEAD wife becky" Friend said sarcastically.

Is she making fun of Freen?  She could never do this shit.

"Oh, well you know what Friend? Let's break up. You DON'T even support me on this one. YOU should've confronted me. BUT ELSE, all you did was to SARCASTICALLY make fun of my WIFE that she's D word. And you know what? Fvck those years when we're together. You changed Friend. You changed your personality. I hate you. And please don't ever come to me again. And don't even call this number. Next time, don't make fun of any of my belongings. But there is NOT a next time. Bye. And I wish you h3ll Friend." I said actually breaking up with her and I did not let her reply to me. I quickly shut down my phone and sat down at a bench infront of Freen's vip room.

I sighed looking at the door. And for a while later a person opened the door and there I saw Nam holding a piece of pie in her hand. "Want some?" She chuckled. I just nodded as she sat beside me handing me the pie. "I'm sorry, I did not mean to overheard your conversation. I just want to give you something to eat but when I peeked through the door, you were talking to someone so i did not bother to bother you but I heard something I shouldn't hear, I am so sorry Rebecca." She said looking down of her shyness. I lightly chuckled eating the pie she gave me.
"It's alright phi. I don't care about my Ex now. And let's just keep it silent." I replied reassured her that It is really ok. She was about to reply to me but then the other phi barged out of the room out of the sudden telling.

My face lit up when he said that and I ran passed him and quickly sat beside Freen's bed. "Freen?" I said and touched her hand gently.

I was waiting for her to move again but she did not. "Are you sure she moved heng?" P'Tee said and stood the other side of Freen. "I swear she moved a Finger a while ago! As I was sitting beside her rubbing her soft hands! I swear she moved!" P'heng Excitingly said. But I just remained silent.

Later on.. I was still holding Freen's hand hoping that she will make a signal for me that she's alright. But unfortunately she did not. I was losing hope of Freen. But I still did not get any slight movements from her. "Rebecca.. Let's eat dinner now shall we? I'm sure you're starving.." i heard P'Nam said softly. "I'm Fine Phi... I'll just eat when I'm hungry, I am not hungry right now, but thank you.. You all can eat first.." I said. But they did not slip that off. "You shall eat Rebecca. You think Freen will be happy if you won't eat? If I tell this to Freen when she wakes up. She'll be angry at you for sure.." I heard P'Heng said and I looked at P'Nam and she just nodded in agreement with P'heng. "I don't want to. I'll eat later." I said.

For some minutes of arguing on me not going to eat. They finally gave up and let me do whatever I want. But I am sure that they'll leave some food for me. I did not let go of Freen's hand for how many minutes. Hoping that she'll move just a slight bit. But of course she did not. Some minutes later. Freen's doctor came inside but I still did not move my hand.

"Good evening, I would like to excuse my self by now to report to all of you the condition of Patient,Freen Sarocha Chankimha.." Freen's doctor said and we let him continue "well.. there is something I need to tell you which is bad and good news about the patient.. which would you all like to hear first?" The doctor clapped his hands ones and looked at each one of us including me..

Looking at Freen's friends, and they are waiting for me to answer it.. I think they'll let me choose which one.. so I hesitantly said "c..can you tell us the negative side please? Uh.." I then coughed a little bit enough to be heard by all of them.. So I looked at them and they just smiled of reassurance that I did the right thing and did the right decision.
"Well, for the negative side of the patient, she has already fell into a state of prolonged loss of continuousness other term, coma.." The doctor said

    we all went dead silent of shocked, I felt a ting in my heart of disbelief, cannot accept what We've heard as tears fell down in each of our most precious eyes, Me who did not controlled tears, never did stopped flowing out of my eyes, still holding Freen's hand tightly. as P'Nam asked "Can..Can we hear the positive side?"

To be continued

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